Not sure what to read next? Explore expert-curated lists filled with must-read books across all genres. Or take a deep dive into The New York Public Library's research collections with posts written by our librarians, curators, and staff. And discover the diverse array of programs, resources, services, and materials offered by NYPL.
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Asian American & Pacific Islander Culture
Book lists and posts that reflect the diverse cultures, traditions, and histories of Asian American and Pacific Islander communities.
Biography & Memoir
Discover historical figures, both notable and lesser known, as well as celebrities who have made an impact on the world.
Black Culture
Book lists and posts that celebrate Black culture and its history, highlight Black authors, and draw upon the Schomburg Center archives.
Book Lists
Your one-stop shop for themed book lists to help you find your next must-read book.
中文网页 / Chinese Language
Comics, Graphic Novels & Manga
Discover new and classic manga, graphic novels, and comic books for all ages.
Digital Collections
Showcasing items from NYPL's vast and growing database of over 900,000 photographs, prints, maps, manuscripts, audio clips, and video.
Doc Chat
NYPL specialists and scholars discuss digitized items from NYPL's special collections and explore how they can be used in the classroom.
Early Literacy
Books for our youngest readers, plus activities and resources for parents and caregivers. It's never too early for books and reading!
Español / Spanish Language
Publicaciones en español que destacan los libros y servicios de la Biblioteca.
Français / French Language
Billets de blog en français qui mettent en lumière les livres et services offerts par la bibliothèque
Hispanic/Latinx Culture
Book lists and resources for researching and celebrating Latinx and Hispanic heritage at The New York Public Library.
Contemporary and classic horror recommendations covering gothic, the supernatural, dark fantasy, and more selected by NYPL's expert staff.
For Kids
Learn about NYPL resources for kids and explore themed book lists to spark young imaginations and inspire a lifelong love of reading.
Explore books highlighting LGBTQ+ authors, characters, and themes—and learn about LGBTQ+ history using our premier research collections.
The Librarian Is In
The Librarian Is In is The New York Public Library's podcast about books, culture, and what to read next.
Library Talks Podcast
Feed your brain with the best conversations from NYPL. Listen to your favorite writers and the ones you’ll love next.
Mysteries, Crime, Thrillers
Looking for your next page-turner? Pick up a suspenseful crime novel, cozy mystery, or tense thriller.
Discover great new reads about everything from history and the social sciences to cooking, crafts, self-help, and much more.
Explore poetry and books in verse to celebrate National Poetry Month in April and poetic forms all year round.
Popular Culture
Where books and pop culture collide! Book adaptation news and reading lists related to new, upcoming, and beloved movies and TV series.
Research at NYPL
Resources for writers, scholars, and students about our research collections, with guides, acquisitions news, and researcher interviews.
The best romance books leave you wanting more—and we have plenty. Get ideas for your next historical or contemporary romance book.
Русский / Russian Language
Примечательные посты на русском языке о книгах и библиотечных услугах.
Science Fiction & Fantasy
Escape to other worlds—futuristic, dystopian, apocalyptic, mythical, magical—with adventurous speculative fiction reads.
For Teachers
Book lists, tips on using primary source materials from our collections in the classroom, and other resources for teachers at NYPL.
For Teens
Discover NYPL resources and the best books for teens across genres including fantasy, adventure, sci-fi, romance, graphic novels, and more.
Women's History
Explore posts and book lists highlighting notable women in history and their achievements.
A behind-the-scenes look at books and scholarship supported by NYPL's collections and how they were inspired, researched, and created.