Laundries and the long stay patient (based on a paper read to the Scottish Hospital Centre) a fourth study on hospital laundry services, by W. A. J. Farndale; including Development of the hospital laundry system in Great Britain (a paper read to the 1st International Congress of Hospital Engineering in Rome in 1970) by John Bolton.
Laundries and the long stay patient (based on a paper read to the Scottish Hospital Centre) [microform] a fourth study on hospital laundry services, by W. A. J. Farndale; including Development of the hospital laundry system in Great Britain (a paper read to the 1st International Congress of Hospital Engineering in Rome in 1970) by John Bolton.
Laundries and the long stay patient (based on a paper read to the Scottish Hospital Centre) [microform] a fourth study on hospital laundry services, by W. A. J. Farndale; including Development of the hospital laundry system in Great Britain (a paper read to the 1st International Congress of Hospital Engineering in Rome in 1970) by John Bolton.