A iustification of a strange action of Nero, in burying with a solemne funerall one of the cast hayres of his mistresse Poppaea. Also a iust reproofe of a Romane smell-feast, being the fifth satyre of Iuvenall. Translated by G. Chapman.
A iustification of a strange action of Nero, in burying with a solemne funerall one of the cast hayres of his mistresse Poppaea. Also a iust reproofe of a Romane smell-feast, being the fifth satyre of Iuvenall. Translated by G. Chapman.
A iustification of a strange action of Nero, in burying with a solemne funerall one of the cast hayres of his mistresse Poppaea. Also a iust reproofe of a Romane smell-feast, being the fifth satyre of Iuvenall. Translated by G. Chapman.
London, Imprinted by T. Harper, 1629.
Microfilm of original in the Huntington Library. Ann Arbor, Mich.: University Microfilms, 1974. (Early English books, 1475-1640, reel 1342)