A briefe discouery of the damages that happen to this realme by disordered and vnlawfull diet ... With a perswasion of the people, for a better maintenance to the Nauie ...
A briefe discouery of the damages that happen to this realme by disordered and vnlawfull diet ... With a perswasion of the people, for a better maintenance to the Nauie ...
A briefe discouery of the damages that happen to this realme by disordered and vnlawfull diet ... With a perswasion of the people, for a better maintenance to the Nauie ...
London, R. Warde, 1593.
Microfilm of original in the British Museum. Ann Arbor, Mich.: University Microfilms, 1971. (Early English books, 1475-1640, reel 1245)