Title from eye-readable heading; other titles from American statistics index.
Microfiche collection of depository and non-depository reports abstracted and indexed in: American statistics index.
Numbering (note)
Each report has a unique number which indicates issuing government agency and accession no.
Microfiche for the year 1980- include a year designation in conjunction with the title, e.g. ASI: 80; month and year of shipment also appears on fiche, e.g. 1/80.
Reproduction (note)
ASI. [Complete collection] [microform].
[Washington, D.C. : Congressional Information Service]
Current frequency
Monthly, with quarterly supplements
Indexed in:
American statistics index 0091-1658
Each report has a unique number which indicates issuing government agency and accession no.
Microfiche for the year 1980- include a year designation in conjunction with the title, e.g. ASI: 80; month and year of shipment also appears on fiche, e.g. 1/80.