Letter and general brief on the policy and methods of the United Mine Workers of America, submitted to the United States Coal Commission,April 5, 1923
Letter and general brief on the policy and methods of the United Mine Workers of America, submitted to the United States Coal Commission,April 5, 1923 / by the Bituminous Operators' Special Committee..
Letter and general brief on the policy and methods of the United Mine Workers of America, submitted to the United States Coal Commission,April 5, 1923 / by the Bituminous Operators' Special Committee..
[s.l. : s.n., 1923] (Washington : Ransdell)
Pamphlets in American history. Labor ; L 2944.
Microfiche. Sanford, N.C. : Microfilming Corp. of America, 1979. 1 sheet ; 11 x 15 cm. (Pamphlets in American history : Labor ; L 2944)