7 stereographs (photoprints) : albumen, b&w; 89x178mm. or smaller.
Views of Holyoke, Massachusetts, and vicinity: general and street views including views from city hall of factories and mills, including a lumber planing and moulding mill, and paper mills, rows of homes the river beyond; looking up Dwight street, showing railroad tracks, businesses; Opera House, Windsor hotel and bridge in foreground; Connecticut River Dam and fishway, including general views, views of the dam at low water, boys posing on rocks in foreground, dam with bridge beyond (shadow of photographer in foreground); man standing on spillway with surveying (?) instruments; the Baptist Church; homes on Depot Hill; wooden footbridge over Dingle (a ravine); City hall; ice rink; interior views of a paper mill showing cut rags being processed for paper, women inspecting and stacking sheets of paper; man holding reins of horse.