113 stereographs (photoprints) : albumen, some col.; 88x178mm.
Views of Martha's Vineyard: views of the camp meeting, including tents, cottages, the Methodist tabernacle, the preaching stand, people attending a temperance meeting, people on porches, promenading with baby carriages, etc., gardens, lights, children on tricycles; Oak Bluffs: the chapel, including an interior view, Sea View House, Oak Bluff House, cottages and homes, including one with a wind mill, plank walk, Pavilion, beach views including bathers, boats, carriages, Oak Bluff landing showing train meeting steamboat and at Sea View House; bluffs at Gay head, views looking out to sailboats; interior view of a cottage, a man with a beard and top hat on a porch; cottages owned by Mr. Cook, Mr. Weeks, Mr. Thanyer, the Tillinghast cottage, Mason's cottage, Mr. Caprenters, Mr. Terry's Mr. Clarks, Dr. H.A. Tuckers, and the interior of Miss Read's cottage; portrait of Nancy Luce, island eccentric, and her bantie hens (See: Hough, Martha's Vineyard, summer resort 1835-1935). Some views duplicated.