72 stereographs (photoprints) : albumen, some col.; 90x178mm. or smaller.
Views of Boston harbor and Charlestown Navy Yard: general views from Bunker Hill Monument showing the Navy Yard, a 3-masted Navy ship; from Christ church showing homes, buildings in foreground; from Harrison Ave. showing buildings, factories surrounding harbor; view showing warehouse in foreground, ships at anchor; from the Navy yard; view of schooners under sail; docks, including: the dry dock at the navy yard, with ship with rudder and propeller visible, a submarine in dry dock, crane overhead, looking from dry dock toward Bunker Hill, ship in foreground; ships at Central wharf, line with warehouses; dry dock in East Boston with steamer Cambridge ; warehouses, sailing ships and steamer at Long wharf; T wharf showing broad beamed vessels, rowboat, teamsters hauling goods, warehouses; harbor from State St. block, ships moored in foreground; ships at the Commercial wharf; piers at the Navy yard; surplus (?) ships anchored at Navy Yard,; Barque Fredonia at wharf, man in rigging; sailors aboard a ship, guns on the deck, receiving ship Ohio, Monitors; Boston Light: the oil room, the fog horn engine, and a view of the lighthouse keepers daughter sitting in a doorway, woman looking on.
Charlestown Navy yard: shot yard showing piles of cannonballs, including a view showing man wearing a top hat sitting on a pile of cannonballs, a team of oxen, the battery, showing cannons and shot, ordnance park showing rifled cannons, the block shop, the machine shop and other buildings, including an interior view showing hoisting hook, large geared equipment, marine barracks showing marines at attention near cannons, Commandant's Ave. showing tree-lined st., "lovers walk," a board walkway; Fort Independence from South Boston, half-timbered buildings in foreground; views of Downer's Landing, including a general view of Melville Gardens and the concert hall there, the bathing houses and a gazebo perched on the rocks above, people looking on; a view of Beach house on City Point, South Boston (verso of view has advertisement for ice cream, clam chowder, and boats for fishing and sailing), showing boats on the beach in the foreground; Constitution (Old Ironsides).