Provides comprehensive indexing and abstracts to statistical information published by the U.S. federal and state governments, international intergovernmental organizations, and American private organizations.
System requirements: IBM-compatible microcomputer with a 286 (AT) or 386 processor; 640K RAM with at least 500K available; DOS 3.1 or higher (3.3 recommended); Microsoft Extensions version 2.0 or higher; hard disk with at least 2MB of space available.
Accompanied by installation and retrieval software on two 5 1/4 in. discs and reference manual.
Description based on: 1984 thru Dec. 1990; title from disk label.
Numbering (note)
Backfile covers 1973-1983; current discs are cumulative and cover 1984 through the current quarter.
Linking entry (note)
CD-ROM ed. of: American statistics index; Statistical reference index; and: Index to international statistics.
Statistical masterfile [electronic resource]
Bethesda, Md. : Congressional Information Service,
Current frequency
Backfile covers 1973-1983; current discs are cumulative and cover 1984 through the current quarter.
Linking entry
CD-ROM ed. of: American statistics index; Statistical reference index; and: Index to international statistics.
Added author
Congressional Information Service.
Abbreviated title
Stat. masterfile
Statistical masterfile on CD-Rom
Statistical masterfile on CD-Rom
Added title
Statistical universe
Other form:
American statistics index 0091-1658 (DLC) 73082599 (OCoLC)1784446
Statistical reference index 0885-6834 (DLC)sc 84000173 (OCoLC)5951104
Index to international statistics 0737-4461 (DLC) 83644889 (OCoLC)9179279