Stereoscopic views of Newport, Rhode Island Title Stereoscopic views of Newport, Rhode Island [graphic]. Published by 1860?-1900? Details Additional authors Alden, Raymond W. Kilburn, B. W. (Benjamin West), 1827-1909. Sharp, P. T. Soule, John P. Williams, William A. E. & H.T. Anthony (Firm) Newport and its villas. 8312, 8317, 8326, 8338, 8348, 8355, 8561, 8569. Bierstadt Brothers, photographers Keystone View Company. pbl Kilburn Brothers, photographers Robert Dennis Collection of Stereoscopic Views Description 102 stereographs (photoprints) : albumen, b&w; 90 x 178 mm. or smaller. Summary Views of Newport: general views, including a two view panorama from Ft. Denham; Ft. Adams, Ft. "Dumpter" or "Dumpling" (Ft. Brown), and the Torpedo station; the Old Stone Mill, Atlantic House, Perry House, Boat house, Jewish synagogue and cemetery, Trinity Church, interior view of unidentified church, the Casino, Redwood Library and fern-leafed beech in front, the parade, the State House, Thames St. and stores, Com. Matthew Perry statue, windmill, old mill at the Glen, the Glen; homes: Bull House, built 1639; the residence of Loring Andrews, "Cliff Villas," Nathan Matthew's home, J. Carter Brown's home; rock formations: Negro Head, Purgatory, Spouting Cave, Pirate's cave and ledges, shipwreck nearby, Hanging Rock and valley nearby, the 40 steps, shipwreck on shore "near Bateman's"; beaches: boats on a rocky beach, Bailey's beach, men having a clam bake; sailboats in the harbor; "Columbia" and "Shamrock" in the America's Cup, Oct. 1899. Alternative title American scenery. American scenery, Newport. American scenery, Newport, R. I. American views, new H series. American views, Newport, Rhode Island. American views, peoples series. American views, standard series. Newport, R. I. 3, 15, 17, 25, 31, 38, 48, 52, 59. The best series, Newport, R. I. Stereoscopic studies, marine views. Stereoscopic studies, seaside views. Subject Brown, John Carter, 1797-1874 > Homes and haunts Perry, Matthew Calbraith, 1794-1858 > Statue Redwood Library and Athenaeum Trininty Church (Newport, R.I.) United States Naval Torpedo Station (Newport, R.I.) Columbia (Yacht) Shamrock (Yacht) America's Cup (1899) Beaches > Rhode Island > Newport Cemeteries > Rhode Island > Newport Churches > Rhode Island > Newport Dwellings > Rhode Island > Newport Forts & fortifications > Rhode Island > Newport Hotels & taverns > Rhode Island > Newport Libraries > Rhode Island > Newport Naval Yard & naval stations > Rhode Island > Newport Outdoor cooking > Rhode Island > Newport Rock formations > Rhode Island Sailboats Sculpture > Rhode Island > Newport Shipwrecks > Rhode Island Synagogues > Rhode Island > Newport Streets > Rhode Island > Newport Windmills > Rhode Island > Newport Yachts Yachting Genre/Form Panoramic views. Albumen photoprints. Photoprints. Stereographs. Call number MFY Dennis Coll 92-F9 Note Title devised by cataloger. Includes views by Anthony, John P. Soule, Kilburn Brothers and other photographers and publishers. Access (note) Restricted access; Cite as (note) Robert Dennis Collection of Stereoscopic Views. Title Stereoscopic views of Newport, Rhode Island [graphic]. Imprint 1860?-1900? Restricted access Restricted access; Photography Collection; Permit must be requested at division indicated. Cite as: Robert Dennis Collection of Stereoscopic Views. Connect to: NYPL Digital Collections Added author Alden, Raymond W. Photographer Kilburn, B. W. (Benjamin West), 1827-1909. Photographer Sharp, P. T. Photographer Soule, John P. Photographer American views. 650, 654, 656-658, 660, 664, 667, 670,-672, 675-678, 680-682, 685, 686, 694, 695, 697, 705-708, 710, 725, 731, 734, 737. Williams, William A. Photographer Views of Newport. E. & H.T. Anthony (Firm) Newport and its villas. 8312, 8317, 8326, 8338, 8348, 8355, 8561, 8569. Bierstadt Brothers, photographers. Keystone View Company. Publisher Kilburn Brothers, photographers. Robert Dennis Collection of Stereoscopic Views. Added title American scenery. American scenery, Newport. American scenery, Newport, R. I. American views, new H series. American views, Newport, Rhode Island. American views, peoples series. American views, standard series. Newport, R. I. 3, 15, 17, 25, 31, 38, 48, 52, 59. The best series, Newport, R. I. Stereoscopic studies, marine views. Stereoscopic studies, seaside views. Research call number MFY Dennis Coll 92-F9 View in legacy catalogNavigation arrow Help and Feedback