One streaming audio file (approximately 40 minutes): digital
Streaming audio file (approximately 40 minutes; the section containing the interview begins at approximately 6 minutes into the streaming audio file). Ian Horvath speaks about the founding and finances of the Cleveland Ballet; regional ballet companies; the company's repertoire; Dennis Nahat speaks about his goals as a choreographer; more on the company's repertory; the audience in Cleveland; the principles on which the company's programs are put together; the importance of understanding and knowing how to use classical technique when choreographing [interview ends at approximately 40:00]. Terry self-records his description of three of Nahat's ballets: Contra concerti, In concert, and The gift.
Interview with Ian Horvath and Dennis Nahat conducted by Terry in 1977 and Terry's self-recorded description of three of Nahat's ballets: Contra concerti, In concert, and The gift. The interview begins at approximately 6 minutes; the proceeding approximate six minutes of the streaming file contains Walter Terry's self-recorded notes on Paul Taylor's Aphrodisiamania and the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater's performance of Lar Lubovitch's The time before the time after (After the time before), and George Faison's Suite Otis, cataloged at the Library under the title Review notes, 1977/ Walter Terry.
The City Center Ballet of San Jose (fd. 1983) and the Cleveland Ballet merged to form the San Jose Cleveland Ballet in 1986; the San Jose Cleveland Ballet became the name for the San Jose half of the co-venture. In Cleveland the ballet still performs as Cleveland Ballet.
Sound quality is fair overall. The recording is marred by extraneous noise, which, beginning at approximately 14:30 minutes, is quite loud.
Title supplied by cataloger.
Access (note)
Patrons may access streaming audio only on site at The New York Public Library for the Performing Arts at Lincoln Center.
Funding (note)
The conservation and cataloging of this recording was made possible in part by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature. The support of the National Endowment for the Arts is also gratefully acknowledged.
Source (note)
Walter Terry
Interview with Ian Horvath and Dennis Nahat, 1977
Type of content
spoken word
Type of medium
Type of carrier
online resource
Digital file characteristics
audio file
Restricted access
Patrons may access streaming audio only on site at The New York Public Library for the Performing Arts at Lincoln Center.
Recorded by Walter Terry 1977 Cleveland, Ohio
The conservation and cataloging of this recording was made possible in part by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature. The support of the National Endowment for the Arts is also gratefully acknowledged.
Original version
Original format: one sound cassette (approximately 46 minutes); transferred to wav file and streaming file format in 2015: myd_mgztco3828_v01f01_sc.