CONTENTS: The sections of the piece are: Jewelweed, perf. by Salzinger. -- Pokeweed, perf. by (in order of appearance) McIntosh, Waldman, Figueroa, Gregory, Liebeskind, Fraley-P, O'Rourke, Abdullah, and Salzinger. -- Tumbleweed, perf. by the company.
Call number
*MGZIDF 4763
Videotaped in performance by Video D Studios at the Bessie Schönberg Theater, New York, on May 30, 1987. Presented by Dance Theater Workshop as part of the Spring Events 1987.
Choreography: Alison Salzinger. Music: Arthur Russell. Scenery/costumes: Salzinger. Scene paintings: Robert Raphael. Video: Daniel McIntosh. Card design and printing: Tom Lee. Lighting: Phil Sandström.
Performed by Rahil Abdullah, Nelson Figueroa, Cynthia Fraley-P., Irving Gregory, William Liebeskind, Daniel McIntosh, Michael O'Rourke, Alison Salzinger, and Chloe Waldman.
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