Early dance. Part one, from the Greeks to the Renaissance [electronic resource] / directed by Hal [Harold] Bergsohn ; produced by Isa Partsch-Bergsohn.
Published by
Pennington, NJ : Dance Horizons Video, distributed by Princeton Book Company, Publishers, c1995.
Lecture on the history of dance, illustrated with contemporary paintings and prints. Among the topics covered are dancing in ancient Greek plays; Italian court dances of the Renaissance; two dance works (Ballet des Polonais and Balet comique de la royne) created by Baltasar de Beaujoyeulx at the court of Catherine de Medicis in France; the basic foot positions and révérence, as codified in Thoinot Arbeau's Orchesography; the influence of the commedia dell'arte on popular theater; the contributions of Ben Jonson and Inigo Jones to the English court masque during the reign of Elizabeth I.
Dance excerpts: Italian court dances: pavan and sciolto, saltarello and canarie / from Fabritio Caroso, published 1600 ; reconstructed and mounted by Angene Feves ; danced by Angene Feves and Charles Perrier ; music played by the Court Revels of the Consortium Antiquum -- Volta and galliard / danced by Angene Feves and Charles Perrier -- Waterways [excerpt] / choreography, Nina Janik ; danced by Molly Faulkner and Carl Unkrich.
Call number
*MGZIDVD 5-7263
Access (note)
Patrons can access streaming video file online only at the Library for the Performing Arts.
System details (note)
Streaming video.
Early dance. Part one, from the Greeks to the Renaissance [electronic resource] / directed by Hal [Harold] Bergsohn ; produced by Isa Partsch-Bergsohn.
Pennington, NJ : Dance Horizons Video, distributed by Princeton Book Company, Publishers, c1995.
Country of producing entity
Early dance ; part 1.
System details
Streaming video.
Narrators, Charles Flemming and Gail Chodera.
Restricted access
Patrons can access streaming video file online only at the Library for the Performing Arts.