Book reviews.

  1. Book reviews.


Additional authors
  1. Musicant, Shira.
  2. Boris, Ruthanna.
  3. Rose, Linda.
Found in
  1. American journal of dance therapy. New York. v. 18, no. 2 (fall/winter 1996), p. 125-130.
  1. Nagrin, Daniel
  2. Benov, Ruth Gordon
  3. Evan, Blanche
  4. Adler, Janet
Call number
  1. *MGZA 87-64
  1. Reviews of: Arching backward: the mystical initiation of a contemporary woman, by Janet Adler (Rochester, Vt.: Inner Traditions International, 1995), reviewed by Shira Musicant; Collected works by and about Blanche Evan, compiled by Ruth Gordon Benov (San Francisco: Blanche Evan Dance Foundation, c1991), reviewed by Ruthanna Boris; and How to dance forever: surviving against the odds, by Daniel Nagrin (New York: William Morrow Company, 1988), reviewed by Linda G. Rose.
  1. Book reviews.
Added author
  1. Musicant, Shira.
  2. Boris, Ruthanna.
  3. Rose, Linda.
Found in:
  1. American journal of dance therapy. New York. v. 18, no. 2 (fall/winter 1996), p. 125-130.
Research call number
  1. *MGZA 87-64
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