1 streaming video file (19 min., 19 sec.) : sd., col.; 3/4 in.
Part of the documentation of the week-long tap dancing workshop By word of foot I, presented by the Changing Times Tap Dancing Company on October 13-18, 1980. Continuing the first "Cocktail hour with John Bubbles," which began on *MGZIC 9-5748, Bubbles discusses and sings some of the songs he has written over the years. He recalls how he started the team of Buck and Bubbles, how he acquired the name Bubbles, and his encounters with racial prejudice in the course of his career. This conversation continues on *MGZIC 9-5744.
Gift of Jane Goldberg.
Series statement
Jane Goldberg's Wandering shoes tap(h)istory featuring tip top tapes, tapalogues, tapology and tapperabilia.