1 streaming video file (19 min., 34 sec.) : sd., col.; 3/4 in.
Part of the documentation of the week-long tap dancing workshop By word of foot I, presented by the Changing Times Tap Dancing Company on October 13-18, 1980. This tape contains two sessions, recorded on different days.
Gift of Jane Goldberg.
Series statement
Jane Goldberg's Wandering shoes tap(h)istory featuring tip top tapes, tapalogues, tapology and tapperabilia.
Conclusion of the American Guild of Variety Artists' presentation of its Lifetime Achievement Award to John Bubbles (ca. 4 min.), which began on *MGZIC 9-5742 and *MGZIC 9-5741 ; recorded on October 13, 1980. George Hillman concludes his speech by demonstrating steps that Bubbles taught him ; Honi Coles and Cookie Cook perform a chair dance ; and informal dancing ends the session.
Class taught by Albert Gibson (ca. 15 min.), recorded on October 14, 1980. Gibson reminisces about his early career, including his performances with the Three Chocolateers. He demonstrates some of the dances they invented, including "Peckin'," and teaches a soft shoe. This class continues on *MGZIC 9-5755.
Call number
*MGZIDF 7510
Title provided by Jane Goldberg.
For the completed documentary on this workshop, see *MGZIC 9-5600 By word of foot I.
Access (note)
Patrons can access streaming video file online only at the Library for the Performing Arts.
Event (note)
Videotaped at the Village Gate, New York, on October 13 and 14, 1980.
By word of foot I, tap masters pass on their tradition, John Bubbles and Albert Gibson [videorecording]
October 13 and 14, 1980.
Jane Goldberg's Wandering shoes tap(h)istory featuring tip top tapes, tapalogues, tapology and tapperabilia.
Videotaped at the Village Gate, New York, on October 13 and 14, 1980.
Restricted access
Patrons can access streaming video file online only at the Library for the Performing Arts.