Commercial possibilities of the Union of South Africa. A survey of the recent industrial expansion and the mineral and agricultural resources of a market presenting great possibilities for American enterprises.
Commercial possibilities of the Union of South Africa. [microform] : A survey of the recent industrial expansion and the mineral and agricultural resources of a market presenting great possibilities for American enterprises.
Publications of the Department of commerce on South Africa: p. 30.
Survey made for the Eighth National Foreign Trade Convention, Cleveland, Ohio, May 4, 5, 6, 7, 1921.
Bibliography (note)
Books of reference: p. 31.
Reproduction (note)
National Foreign Trade Council.
Commercial possibilities of the Union of South Africa. [microform] : A survey of the recent industrial expansion and the mineral and agricultural resources of a market presenting great possibilities for American enterprises.
New York ; [1921]
Books of reference: p. 31.
Microfilm. New York, N.Y.: New York Public Library, 19--.