Lights, camera, dancing! : movie makers put motion back in pictures.
- Title
- Lights, camera, dancing! : movie makers put motion back in pictures.
- Author
- Wisner, Heather.
- Found in
- Dance magazine. Oakland, Calif. Dec. 2000, p. 60-63, 108-109. ill.
- Subject
- Paterson, Vincent
- Darling, Peter
- Glover, Savion
- Derricks, Marguerite
- Perry, Dein
- Dancer in the dark (Motion picture)
- Bamboozled (Motion picture)
- Time for dancing (Motion picture)
- Billy Elliot (Motion picture)
- Center stage (Motion picture)
- Mad about mambo (Motion picture)
- Bootmen (Motion picture)
- Call number
- Note
- Discussion of dance in recent films.
- Author
- Wisner, Heather.
- Title
- Lights, camera, dancing! : movie makers put motion back in pictures.
- Local subject
- Cinedance.
- Found in:
- Dance magazine. Oakland, Calif. Dec. 2000, p. 60-63, 108-109. ill.
- Research call number
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