Internet version free to users at U.S. Federal depository libraries; other users are required to pay a fee.
Additional formats (note)
Some issues also available via Internet from the NOAA web site (PDF file only). Address as of 8/29/99:; current access available via PURL.
Reproduction (note)
Issued by (note)
Vols. for 1959-1965 issued by: the Weather Bureau; 1966-July 1975 by: Environmental Data Service; Aug. 1975-<Dec. 1979> by: National Climatic Center; <Apr. 1983-> by: National Climatic Data Center; <Jan. 1998-> published in cooperation with National Weather Service.
Linking entry (note)
Replaces the table "Storm data and unusual weather phenomena," formerly issued in: United States. Weather Bureau. Climatological data, national summary.
Issued also in a quinquennial compilation: Storm data for the United States.
Storm data [microform] / U.S. Department of Commerce, Weather Bureau.
Asheville : The Bureau ; Washington, D.C. : Supt. of Docs., G.P.O. [distributor], 1959-
Current frequency
Indexed in:
American statistics index 0091-1658
Additional formats
Some issues also available via Internet from the NOAA web site (PDF file only). Address as of 8/29/99:; current access available via PURL.
Microfiche. <v.29:no.7-> [Washington, D.C.] : Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O. microfiches : negative.
Issued by
Vols. for 1959-1965 issued by: the Weather Bureau; 1966-July 1975 by: Environmental Data Service; Aug. 1975-<Dec. 1979> by: National Climatic Center; <Apr. 1983-> by: National Climatic Data Center; <Jan. 1998-> published in cooperation with National Weather Service.
Linking entry
Replaces the table "Storm data and unusual weather phenomena," formerly issued in: United States. Weather Bureau. Climatological data, national summary.
Issued also in a quinquennial compilation: Storm data for the United States.