Description based on: Vol. 83, no. 1 (Jan. 1979); title from cover.
Additional formats (note)
Some issues also available via Internet from the NCDC web site.
Reproduction (note)
Issued by (note)
Vols. for <Feb. 1983-> paper and microfiche versions issued by: National Climatic Data Center.
Linking entry (note)
Continued by online version with title: Climatological data (CD) (PDF file only) (available at no charge at depository libraries). Address as of 10/31/98:; Current access is available via PURL.
Continued as part of CDROM with title: Periodical publications (National Climatic Data Center (U.S.)).
Climatological data. Arizona [microform].
Asheville, N.C. : National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Environmental Data and Information Service, National Climatic Center,
Current frequency
Monthly, with annual summary called no. 13
Additional formats
Some issues also available via Internet from the NCDC web site.
Microfiche. <1979>-1993. Asheville, N.C. : National Climatic Center. microfiches : negative Title from header, <Mar. 1991->: Arizona, monthly climatological data.
Issued by
Vols. for <Feb. 1983-> paper and microfiche versions issued by: National Climatic Data Center.
Linking entry
Continued by online version with title: Climatological data (CD) (PDF file only) (available at no charge at depository libraries). Address as of 10/31/98:; Current access is available via PURL.
Continued as part of CDROM with title: Periodical publications (National Climatic Data Center (U.S.)).