Review of performances throughout the Netherlands including; the Dutch National Ballet program with Leonide Massine's Choreartium and George Balanchine's Brahms-Schöenberg quartet, Scapino Ballet Rotterdam performing choreography by Eduard Wubbe (Plot), Ton Simons (Song) and Conny Janssen (Album familiar), Introdans performing choreography by Nacho Duato (Na floresta and Cor perdut) and Jorma Uotinen (Carmen), and the Nederlands Dans Theater II performing choreography by Philippe Tréhet (Dojo), Jyri Kylian (Indigo rose), and Paul Lightfoot and Sol Léon (Said and done), Het Internationaal Danstheater performance of Alexander reis van een godenzoon, Hans Tuerlings' company Raz performing Zambracca; and Double points 1 & 2, choreographed by Emio Greco.
Morris, Don.
Dutch feast.
Found in:
Dance Europe. London. no. 40 (Apr. 2001), p. 52-53. ill.