1 streaming video file (44 min) : sound, black and white.
A ballet in which Nikishka, a Russian peasant boy, observes birds flying and creates a set of wings. Unfortunately, his invention comes to the attention of Tsar Ivan the Terrible. After menacing the village, the Tsar and his men throw Nikishka in prison. Nikishka's girlfriend attempts to release him, but he realizes he can never truly be free. When the Tsar's men take him away from his village, Nikishka dreams of flying away.
Title transcribed from opening credits on the videocassette. Alternate title taken from the English translation.
Date taken from notes on production.
Access (note)
Patrons can access streaming video file online only onsite at the Library for the Performing Arts.
Credits (note)
Music by M. Kamilov ; screen writer and choreographer, K. Laskari ; director, V. Okun︠t︡sov ; cinematography by D. Meskhiev ; set designer, L. Lukonina ; sound engineer, S. Deshkovskiĭ ; installation by V. Zaĭ︠t︡seva ; editor, L. Vanderflaas.
Performer (note)
М. Барышников (Никишка) ; Е. Евтеева (Лада) ; А. Осипенко (Птица) ; Д. Марковский (Грозный) ; В. Островский (Боярин) ; артисты Ленинградскиx театров.
M. Baryshnikov (Nikishka) ; E. Evteeva (Lada) ; A. Osipenko (Pti︠t︡sa) ; D. Markovskiĭ (Groznyĭ) ; V. Ostrovskiĭ (Bo︠i︡arin) ; supporting cast, actors of Leningrad theaters.
Source (note)
Mikhail Baryshnikov
Linking entry (note)
Forms part of the Mikhail Baryshnikov Archive, 1960-2010.
Skaz o kholope Nikishke / Leningradskoe Televidenie.
Alternate script for title
Сказ о xолопе Никишке / Ленинградское Телевидение.
Russia 1971.
Country of producing entity
Type of content
two-dimensional moving image
Type of medium
Type of carrier
online resource
Restricted access
Patrons can access streaming video file online only onsite at the Library for the Performing Arts.
Music by M. Kamilov ; screen writer and choreographer, K. Laskari ; director, V. Okun︠t︡sov ; cinematography by D. Meskhiev ; set designer, L. Lukonina ; sound engineer, S. Deshkovskiĭ ; installation by V. Zaĭ︠t︡seva ; editor, L. Vanderflaas.
Alternate script for credits
Музыка М. Камилова ; aвтор сценария и балетмейстер, К. Ласкари ; pежиссер-постановщик, В. Окунцов ; oператор-постановщик, Д. Месxиев ; xудожник-постановщик, Л. Луконина ; звукорежиссер, С. Дешковский ; монтаж В. Зайцевой ; редактор, Л. Вандерфлаас.
M. Baryshnikov (Nikishka) ; E. Evteeva (Lada) ; A. Osipenko (Pti︠t︡sa) ; D. Markovskiĭ (Groznyĭ) ; V. Ostrovskiĭ (Bo︠i︡arin) ; supporting cast, actors of Leningrad theaters.
Alternate script for cast
М. Барышников (Никишка) ; Е. Евтеева (Лада) ; А. Осипенко (Птица) ; Д. Марковский (Грозный) ; В. Островский (Боярин) ; артисты Ленинградскиx театров.
Broadcast 1971 Russia.
Original version
Original format: 1 videocassette (VHS) ; 1/2 in.
Linking entry
Forms part of the Mikhail Baryshnikov Archive, 1960-2010.