'No fetters in the Bay state!' speech of Wm. Lloyd Garrison before the Committee on Federal Relations, in support of the petitions asking for a law to prevent the recapture of fugitive slaves, Thursday, Feb. 24, 1859.
'No fetters in the Bay state!' [electronic resource] : speech of Wm. Lloyd Garrison before the Committee on Federal Relations, in support of the petitions asking for a law to prevent the recapture of fugitive slaves, Thursday, Feb. 24, 1859.
Reproduction of the original from the Oberlin College Library.
Garrison, William Lloyd, 1805-1879.
'No fetters in the Bay state!' [electronic resource] : speech of Wm. Lloyd Garrison before the Committee on Federal Relations, in support of the petitions asking for a law to prevent the recapture of fugitive slaves, Thursday, Feb. 24, 1859.
Boston : R.F. Wallcut, 1859.
Slavery and anti-slavery: a transnational archive. Part 2: Slave trade in the Atlantic world
Slavery and anti-slavery: a transnational archive. Part 2: Slave trade in the Atlantic world.