Title on original: Misha/Valda "USA" Duet Reh In London Jan/87Dance In America - Made In U.S.A. Don Mischer 1 34:00 1/7/87.
Access (note)
Patrons can access streaming video online only at the Library for the Performing Arts.
Credits (note)
Presented by Dance in America ; With Mikhail Baryshnikov and Valda Setterfield and Members of Pick Up Company and American Ballet Theatre ; Executive Producers Don Mischer, David J. Goldberg ; Produced by Rhoda Grauer ; Directed by Don Mischer ; Works Written and Choreographed by David Gordon ; Associate Producer, Geoff Bennett ; Production Manager, Javier Winnik ; Production Coordinator, Alyce Dissette ; Assistant to Don Mischer, Karen Pobega ; Assistant Art Director, Tom Buderwitz ; For the Pick Up Company: Artistic Director, David Gordon ; Managing Director, Alyce Dissette ; Administrative Assistant, Lisa Metcalf ; Assistant to David Gordon, Scott Cunningham ; For American Ballet Theatre: Artistic Director, Mikhail Baryshnikov ; Executive Director, Charles Dillingham ; General Manager, Leslie E. Schoof ; Company Manager, Lisa Weisinger ; Wardrobe, May Ishimoto, Bruce Horowitz.
Source (note)
Pick Up Performance Co(s), David Gordon.
David Gordon's Made in U.S.A. : Valda and Misha : rehearsal, 1987-01-07.
Country of producing entity
Type of content
two-dimensional moving image
Type of medium
Type of carrier
online resource
Patrons can access streaming video online only at the Library for the Performing Arts.
Presented by Dance in America ; With Mikhail Baryshnikov and Valda Setterfield and Members of Pick Up Company and American Ballet Theatre ; Executive Producers Don Mischer, David J. Goldberg ; Produced by Rhoda Grauer ; Directed by Don Mischer ; Works Written and Choreographed by David Gordon ; Associate Producer, Geoff Bennett ; Production Manager, Javier Winnik ; Production Coordinator, Alyce Dissette ; Assistant to Don Mischer, Karen Pobega ; Assistant Art Director, Tom Buderwitz ; For the Pick Up Company: Artistic Director, David Gordon ; Managing Director, Alyce Dissette ; Administrative Assistant, Lisa Metcalf ; Assistant to David Gordon, Scott Cunningham ; For American Ballet Theatre: Artistic Director, Mikhail Baryshnikov ; Executive Director, Charles Dillingham ; General Manager, Leslie E. Schoof ; Company Manager, Lisa Weisinger ; Wardrobe, May Ishimoto, Bruce Horowitz.
Valda & Misha" with Valda Setterfield, Mikhail Baryshnikov.
Recorded January 7, 1987 London, England.
Original version
Original format: 1 videocassette (VHS).
Gift; Pick Up Performance Co(s), David Gordon. 2014.