Translation of: Anleitung zur Singkunst : aus dem italiänischen des Herrn Peter Franz Tosi / mit Erläuterungen und Zusätzen von Johann Friedrich Agricola (Berlin : G.L. Winter, 1757).
Bibliography (note)
Includes bibliographical references (p. 280-287) and index.
Reproduction (note)
Electronic text and image data.
Tosi, Pier Francesco, approximately 1653-1732.
Introduction to the art of singing [electronic resource] / by Johann Friedrich Agricola ; translated and edited by Julianne C. Baird.
Cambridge, [U.K.] ; New York : Cambridge University Press, c1995.
Cambridge musical texts and monographs
Cambridge musical texts and monographs.
ACLS Humanities E-Book.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 280-287) and index.
Electronic text and image data. Ann Arbor, Mich. : University of Michigan, Michigan Publishing, 2009. Includes both TIFF files and keyword searchable text. ([ACLS Humanities E-Book]) Mode of access: Intranet.