Cover; Half-title; Title page; Copyright information; Table of contents; Preface; Abbreviations; 1 Introduction; Marcion in recent imagination; Whose Marcion?; Marcion in history; Marcion at the crossroads of the second century; Part I The polemical making of Marcion the heretic; 2 The beginnings of the construction of a heretic: Justin Martyr; The man; 'All heresies'; Teaching another God; Justin's Marcion; 3 Irenaeus and the shaping of a heretic; Irenaeus and the battle 'against heresies'; Marcion and Irenaeus; Cerdo; Marcion's teaching; Irenaeus' Marcion.
4 Marcion through Tertullian's eyesWriting Against Marcion; Techniques of persuasion; Marcion the man: vilification and association; Reason and logic; Basic principles; The principle and indeed therefore the entire matter of discussion is one of number, whether it is permissible to introduce two Gods (AM I. 3.1); If God is good and prescient of the future and capable of turning aside evil, why. . .? (AM II. 5.1); The separation of Law and Gospel is the characteristic and chief task of Marcion (AM I. 19.4); We admit this separation by reformation, by expansion, by progress (AM IV. 11.11).
The Christ had come who had never previously been announced (AM III. 6.1)He was not what he seemed, and what he was he falsified, flesh and not flesh, man and not man (AM II. 8.2); We do not repudiate marriage but demote it; we do not demand chastity but encourage it (AM I.29.2); Tertullian's Marcion; 5 The heresiological tradition; The Refutation of all Heresies; Marcion and Empedocles; Marcion without Empedocles; Marcion in the Epitome (Ref. X); Epiphanius, Panarion; Sources and heirs; Sect 42: The Marcionites; Marcion's biography; Marcionite practice; Marcion's teaching.
The Dialogue of AdamantiusMarcionite identity and sources; Marcionite beliefs; The continuing tradition; 6 Theology and exegesis against Marcion; Clement of Alexandria; Origen; 7 Marcion in Syriac dress; Setting the context; Ephraem against Marcion; Defining opponents; The unity of God; The paradox of the divine; The unity of Scripture; The redemption; The unity of body and soul; After Ephraem; Eznik of Kolb; The later tradition; Theodoret of Cyrrhus; Part II Marcion through his scriptures; 8 Marcion as editor and interpreter I: Marcion's 'Gospel'; Texts, interpretation, and polemic.
Recovering and expounding Marcion's 'Gospel'Tertullian and Marcion's 'Gospel'; Epiphanius and Marcion's 'Gospel'; Marcion and his 'Gospel': behind his opponents; Text and interpretation; Title; Beginning; Death and resurrection; Jesus; The Father and the Creator; The Law of the Creator; Key passages; Marcion's 'Gospel' strategy; 9 Marcion as editor and interpreter II: Marcion's 'Apostolikon'; Recovering and expounding Marcion's 'Apostolikon'; Marcion and his 'Apostolikon'; Apostle extraordinary; Galatians 4.22-6; Law, sin, grace, and faith; The Creator; Christ the revealer; Resurrection body.
Bibliography (note)
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Lieu, Judith.
Marcion and the making of a heretic : God and scripture in the second century / Judith M. Lieu, University of Cambridge.