Ted Thomas, born Theodore Thomashevsky, son of one the biggest stars in Yiddish theatre, Boris Thomashefsky and his wife Bassie, who changed his name to Thomas and became a stage manager, and his son, pianist and conductor Michael Tilson Thomas, recollect events related to the theatrical culture of the first part of the 20th century. The central story recounted by Ted Thomas concerns the production of the musical The cradle will rock by Marc Blitzstein, which was part of the Federal Theatre Project, directed by Orson Welles and produced by John Houseman, that WPA (Works Progress Administration) shut down a few days before it was to open on Broadway. The focus of the rest of the program is Yiddish theater in New York, its productions, the prominent people associated with it (one such is their father and grandfather Thomashevsky), its influence and impact, and its rich heritage.
Alternative title
Studs Terkel interviews Ted Thomas and Michael Tilson Thomas
Interview with Ted Thomas and Michael Tilson Thomas