Introduction: "It's getting dark on old Broadway" -- "Gimme a pigfoot and a bottle of beer": parties, performances, and privacy in the "other" Harlem Renaissance(s) -- "Harlem on my mind": New York's black belt on the Great White Way -- "That's the kind of gal I am": drag balls, "sexual perversion," and David Belasco's Lulu Belle -- "Hottentot potentates": the potent and hot performances of Florence Mills and Ethel Waters -- "In my well of loneliness": Gladys Bentley's Bulldykin' blues -- Conclusion: "you've seen Harlem at its best".
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Includes bibliographical references and index.
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Wilson, James F.
Bulldaggers, pansies, and chocolate babies [electronic resource] : performance, race, and sexuality in the Harlem Renaissance / James F. Wilson.