Finlandia : op. 26 / Jean Sibelius (8:26) -- Cantus arcticus : concerto for birds and orchestra, op. 61 / Einojuhani Rautavaara (17:08) -- Joutsenet = The swans / Väinö Raitio (7:43) -- Valkoinen peura = The white reindeer. Suite / Einar Englund (13:30) -- Suite for violin and string orchestra / Jean Sibelius (6:52) -- Odalisque / Felix Krohn ; arr. Leo Funtek (6:01) -- Pyöräilijä = The cyclist / Uuno Klami (6:43) -- Porilaisten marssi = March of the people of Pori / arr. Robert Kajanus (2:42) -- Maamme = Our country : Finnish national anthem / Fredrik Pacius ; arr. Robert Kajanus (2:14).
Bis: BIS-CD-575 (additional no. on container).
The 1st, 3rd works are symphonic poems; the 2nd, for electronically modified tapes of bird sounds and orchestra; the 4th, a suite from a film score; 6th work originally for piano, arr. for orchestra.
Eds. recorded: Breitkopf (1st work), Fazer (2nd, 7th works), Suomen Säveltaiteilijain Liitto (3rd work).
Distributor from label on container.
Credits (note)
Eds. recorded: Breitkopf (1st work), Fazer (2nd, 7th works), Suomen Säveltaiteilijain Liitto (3rd work).
Event (note)
Recorded at the Ristinkirkko, Lahti, Finland, No. 4-6, 1992.
Source of description (note)
Description based on hard copy version record.
Lahden kaupunginorkesteri. Performer
Finlandia [electronic resource] : a festival of Finnish music.
Djursholm : Bis ; N[ew] Y[ork] : Dist. by Qualiton Imports, p1992.