Angelus apparuit : motet -- Flores de spina - Rorate coeli : introit with trope -- Kyrie. Fons bonitatis -- Gloria. Spritus et alme -- In omnibus requiem quesivi : lectio a 2 vocum -- Tollite portas : gradual -- Ave Maria : tractus -- Verbum bonum et suave : sequentia a 2 vocum -- Missus est Gabriel : evangelium a 4 vocum -- Credo in Deum Patrem -- Recordare virgo mater - Ab hac familia : offertory with trope -- Patris ingeniti Filius : motet -- Ave virgo regia - Ave gloriosa - Domino : motet -- Sanctus. De virgine nato -- Agnus Dei. Qui de carne puellari -- Ad laudem virginis -- Ecce virgo concipiet : communion with trope -- Ave verum corpus natum - Ave vera caro Christi : motet -- Benedicamus Domino -- Ave regina celorum - Ave speculum candoris : antiphon with trope.
Chant and polyphony; the polyphonic items (organa, motets) taken primarily from the Codex Sanblasianus; chant items from the Bakócz Gradual.
Performer (note)
Schola Cantorum Budapestiensis ; János Mezei, conductor.
Event (note)
Recorded Sep. 6-10, 2001, Budapest-Csepel Greek Catholic Church, Hungary.
Language (note)
Sung in Latin.
Source of description (note)
Description based on hard copy version record.
Schola Cantorum Budapestiensis. Performer
Codex Sanblasianus [electronic resource] : medieval mass for the Feast of Annuntiation.
[Hungary] : Hungaroton Classic, p2004.
Schola Cantorum Budapestiensis ; János Mezei, conductor.
Recorded Sep. 6-10, 2001, Budapest-Csepel Greek Catholic Church, Hungary.