Por la tu puerta yo pasi = I came through the door (1:54) -- Alci mis ojos al cielo = I raised my eyes to the sky (:45) -- Cinco años ya va a hazer = It has been five years (:50) -- Morena me llaman = They call me Morena (1:17) -- Se paseava Silvana = Silvana went for a walk (1:15) -- Mi padre era de Francia = My father was from France (:47) -- La soledad de la nochada = The solitude of the night (1:19) -- La mujer, la mi mujer = That woman, my woman (:55) -- Un lunes por la mañana = On a Monday morning (1:34) -- Nani, nani (1:49) -- Mama, yo no tengo visto = Mother, I haven't seen him (:50) -- Entre las huertas paseando = Walking between the fields (1:11) -- Sion, tu mi ojo preto = Zion, my beautiful eye (:57) -- Alta, alta es la luna = High, high is the moon (:56) -- El rey que muncho madruga = The king who rises early (1:23) -- Paxaro d'hermozura = Beautiful bird (:58) -- Avre tu puerta cerrada = Open your closed door (1:40) -- Avre este abajour = Open your window (1:00) -- Andarleto, mi Andarleto = Andarleto, my Andarleto (1:59) -- Una pastora yo ami = I loved a shepherd (1:46) -- Yo me acodro d'aquella noche = I remember that night (1:23) -- Don Amadi (:53) - Durme durme = Sleep, sleep (1:36) -- Adios querida = Good bye my dear (2:45) -- Esta montaña d'enfrente = This mountain across the way (1:35) -- Cascavela del amor = Bells of love (:44) -- La comida de la mañana = The morning meal (1:11) -- Yendome para Marsilia = Leaving for Marseille (:53) -- Mi suegra = My mother-in-law (1:39) -- Las estrellas de los cielos = The stars of the sky (1:37) -- Ya viene el cativo = The captive is coming (1:52) -- La vida do por el raqui = I would give my life for the raqui (1:21) -- Hija mia mi querida = My daughter, my dear (1:24) -- Una noche al lunar = On a fool-moon night (:49) -- Avrix mi galanica = Open my pretty one (1:33) -- Una tadre fresquita de mayo = A cool afternoon in May (:45) -- Madre, si yo me muero = Mother, if I die (1:08) -- Durme, durme hermozo hijico = Sleep, sleep, beautiful son (1:24) -- Mama mia mi querida = My mother, my dear (:44) -- Escuchis señor soldado = Listen soldier (:51) -- Mama mia mi querida = My mother, my dear (1:25) -- Diziocho años tengo = I am eighteen years old (:46) -- La caleja de Matalon = The alley of Matalon (:53) -- Dos amantes tengo mama = Mother, I have two lovers (:39) -- Tus ojicos joya mia = Your eyes are my jewel (:56) -- Oh que hermozo muchacha = Oh, what a pretty young lady (1:12).
Event (note)
Recorded Nov. 2004, Cyprus.
Source of description (note)
Description based on hard copy version record.
Liderman, Jorge.
Aires de Sefarad [electronic resource] : 46 Spanish songs for violin and guitar / Jorge Liderman.
Albany, N.Y. : Albany Records, [2006]
Duo46: Matt Gould, guitar ; Beth Ilana Schneider, violin.