Parlato / Gyula Fekete (8:08) -- 3 szösszenet hegedűre és harsonára = 3 Winzigkeiten für Geige und Posaune = 3 short drafts for violin & trombone / István Lang (8:51) -- Burleszk harsonára és zongorára = Burlesque for trombone & piano / József Karai (8:04) -- Szóló, párbeszéd, visszhang = Solo, dialogue, echo / Péter Durkó (5:08) -- Egyperces tételek = One-minute movements / Miklós Sugár (7:50) -- C'est la vie. In memoriam "Le Grand Mayeur" / Xénia Stollár (13:05) -- COnceRtino oPpUre fantaSia per trombone / Ilona Meskó (7:30) -- Triptichon = Triptych / Iván Madarász (7:26) -- Trió / Gyula Fekete (10:37).
The 1st work for trombone solo; the 2nd work for violin and trombone; the 3rd, 5th, and 7th-8th works for trombone and piano; the 4th and 9th works for trombone, tuba, and piano; the 6th work an excerpt for trombone, soprano, alto, tuba, violin, viola da gamba, piano, and electronics, from a music theater work.
Includes program notes in English and Hungarian on insert.
Event (note)
Recorded at Hungaroton Studio on June 28-30, July 1-3, 2010.
Language (note)
The 6th work presumably sung in Hungarian.
Source of description (note)
Description based on hard copy version record.
Fejér, András. Performer
"C'est la vie" [electronic resource] : contermporary Hungarian works for trombone / works by Gyula Fekete ... [et al.].
[Hungary] : Hungaroton Classic, p2010.
András Fejér, trombone ; with Orsolya Juhász (6th work), soprano ; Ágnes Juhász (6th work), alto ; Katalin Prőhle (2nd, 6th works), violin ; Xénia Stollár (6th work), electronics, viola da gamba ; Gábor Adamik (4th, 6th, 9th works), tuba ; Katalin Sarkady (3rd, 5th, 7th-8th works), Anna Adamik (4th, 6th, 9th works), piano.
Recorded at Hungaroton Studio on June 28-30, July 1-3, 2010.