We shall rest = My otdokhnjom, op. 26/3 -- Do you remember the evening? = Ty pomnish' li vecher? -- Oh no, I beg you, do not leave! = O, net, molju, ne ukhodi!, op. 4/1 -- Morning = Utro, op. 4/2 -- In the silence of the mysterious night = V molchan'ji nochi tajnoj, op. 4/3 -- Oh you, my corn field! = Uzh ty, niva moja!, op. 4/5 -- My child, you are beautiful as a flower = Ditja! Kak cvetok ty prekrasna, op. 8/2 -- A dream = Son, op. 8/5 -- I was with her = Ja byl u nej, op. 14/4 -- I am waiting for you = Ja zhdu tebja, op. 14/1 -- Do not believe me, my friend = Ne ver mne drug, op. 14/7 -- She is as beautiful as noon = Ona, kak polden', khorosha, op. 14/9 -- Spring waters = Vesennije vody, op. 14/11 -- In my soul = V mojej dushe, op. 14/10 -- It is time! = Pora!, op. 14/12 -- They replied = Oni otvechali, op. 21/4 -- An excerpt from Alfred de Musset = Otryvok iz A. Mjusse, op. 21/6 -- How nice this place is = Zdes' khorosho, op. 21/7 -- How much it hurts = Kak mne bol'no, op. 21/12 -- Everything I had = Vsjo otnjal u menja, op. 26/2 -- Yesterday we met = Vchera my vstretilis', op. 26/13 -- Everything passes = Prokhodit vse, op. 26/13 -- Sad night = Noch' pechal'na,k op. 26/12 -- Once again, I am alone = Ja opjat' odinok, op. 26/9 -- At the gates of the holy cloister = U vrat obiteli svjatojk -- Christ is risen! = Khristos voskres, op. 26/6.
Program and biographical notes in English and German and texts with English translations in container.
Event (note)
Recorded July 13-24, 2011, Great Hall, Moscow State Conservatory.
Source of description (note)
Description based on hard copy version record.
Hvorostovsky, Dmitri.
Rachmaninov romances [electronic resource] / Dmitri Hvorostovsky.
Helsinki : Ondine, p2012.
Dmitri Hvorostovsky, baritone ; Ivari Ilja, piano.
Recorded July 13-24, 2011, Great Hall, Moscow State Conservatory.