Doch weichet, ihr tollen vergeblichen Sorgen! (Begone, you wild, vain cares!) -- Herr, so du willt (Lord, let it be as you will) -- Wohlzutun und mitzuteilen (Do good works and share with others) -- Mein Freund ist mein (My beloved is mine) -- Der ewig reiche Gott (May God, eternally bounteous) -- Mache dich, mein Herze, rein (Purify yourself, my heart) -- Gebt mir meinen Jesum wieder! (Give me back my Jesus!) -- Cantata BWV82 'Ich habe genug' (It is enough) -- Bist du bei mir (With you at my side), BWV508.
ABC Classics: ABC 476 3871.
Source of description (note)
Description based on hard copy version record.
Bach, Johann Sebastian, 1685-1750.
Bach arias [electronic resource] / Bach.
[Australia] : Australian Broadcasting Corporation, c2010, p2004.
ABC Classics
ABC Classics.
Teddy Tahu Rhodes, bass-bariton ; Sara Macliver, soprano ; Orchestra of the Antipodes ; Antony Walker, Brett Weymark, conductors.