CD 1: Introit for the 1st Sunday in Advent (mode 8) -- Introit for the 4th Sunday in Advent (mode 4) -- Communion, 3rd Sunday in Advent (mode 7) -- Introit for the 3rd Sunday in Advent (mode 1) -- Offertory for the 4th Sunday in Advent (mode 8) -- Hymn for Christmas vespers (mode 1) -- Introit for the 3rd Christmas mass (mode 7) -- Alleluia of the 3rd Christmas mass (mode 8) -- Communion for the feast of St. Stephen (mode 8) -- Gradual for the feast of the Holy Confessor (mode 2) -- Offertory for the 2nd Sunday after Epiphany (mode 1) -- Communion for the 2nd Sunday after Epiphany (mode 6) -- Introit for Sexagesima Sunday (mode 1) -- Tract of Sexagesima Sunday (mode 8) -- Communion for the 2nd Sunday in Lent (mode 5) -- Offertory for Palm Sunday (mode 8) -- Gradual for Maundy Thursday (mode 5) -- Offertory for Maundy Thursday (mode 2). CD 2: Introit for Easter Day (mode 4) -- Gradual for Easter Day (mode 2) -- Alleluia for Easter Day (mode 7) -- Sequence for Easter Day (mode 1) -- Offertory for Easter Day (mode 4) -- Communion for Easter Day (mode 6) -- Antiphon for Easter Day in praise of Mary (mode 6) -- Introit for Ascension (mode 7) -- Offertory for Ascension (mode 1) -- Introit for Pentecost Sunday (mode 8) -- Sequence for Pentecost Sunday (mode 1) -- Communion for Corpus Christi Day (mode 7) -- Introit for the feast of the Immaculate Conception (mode 3) -- Introit for the feast of Christ the King (mode 3) -- Communion for the feast of Christ the King (mode 6) -- Introit for All Saints' Day (mode 1) -- Offertory for All Saints' Day (mode 1) -- Communion for All Saints' Day (mode 1) -- Introit for All Souls' Day (mode 6) -- Antiphon for burial service (mode 7).
Latin texts with English translations in booklet (11 p.).
Source of description (note)
Description based on hard copy version record.
Gregorian chants for all seasons [electronic resource].
Hackensack, N.J. : VoxBox, p1990.
Classical music library.
Choir of Vienna Hofburgkapelle ; Josef Schabasser, director.