Trio in A major for piano, violin and violoncello op. 7 / Toivo Kuula (55:26) -- Preludio viululle ja pianolle / Aarre Merikanto (3:52) --Opusculum per violino solo / Usko Meriläinen (5:58) -- Poem for violin and piano / Leif Segerstam (4:44).
The 1st work for piano, violin and violoncello; the 2nd and the 4th for violin and piano; the 3rd for violin.
Editions recorded: Hansen (1st work), Westerlund (2nd work), Fazer (3rd work), Hans Busch (4th work).
Event (note)
The 1st work recorded March 26-28, 1976, the 2nd and 4th June 21-22, 1974, and the 3rd Dec. 15, 1974, at Castle Wik, Uppsala, Sweden.
Pohjola, Liisa. Performer
Finnish chamber music [electronic resource].
Djursholm, Sweden : BIS, [2005]
Liisa Pohjola, piano (in the 1st, 2nd and 4th works); Ensti Pohjola, violoncello (in the 1st work) ; Paavo Pohjola, violin (on container: Trio/duo Pohjola).
The 1st work recorded March 26-28, 1976, the 2nd and 4th June 21-22, 1974, and the 3rd Dec. 15, 1974, at Castle Wik, Uppsala, Sweden.