Konsert fyrir orgel og hljómsveit, op. 7 = Concerto for organ and orchestra (19:51) -- Variazioni pastorale : op. 8 : Tilbrigði við tema eftir Ludwig van Beethoven : fyrir hljómsveit = Variations on a theme by Ludwig van Beethoven : for orchestra (11:35) -- Fine II : Kveðja til jarðlífsins : op. 56, fyrir vibrafón & strengjasveit = Fine II : Farewell to earthly life : for vibraphone and string orchestra (6:26) -- Dettifoss : op. 57, fyrir hljómsveit, blandaðan kór & baritón = for orchestra, mixed choir and baritone (16:51).
The 4th work is a symphonic poem.
Text of the 4th work by Einar Benediktsson.
Event (note)
Recorded Sept. 15-16, 1998 (3rd-4th works), and Feb. 1-14, 1999 (1st-2nd works), in Hallgrím's Church, Reykjavík, Iceland.
Language (note)
The 4th work sung in Icelandic.
Jón Leifs.
Dettifoss and other orchestral works [electronic resource] / Jón Leifs.