My soul's been anchored in the Lord ; Swing low, sweet chariot ; Wonder where ; Children of the Heavenly Father ; Hodie (Dale Warland Singers ; Dale Warland, conductor) -- Angels ad Virginem (National Lutheran Choir ; David Cherwein, conductor) -- Veni Sancte Spirtus (Murray State University Concert Choir ; Bradley Almquist, conductor) -- Aprile/April (Dale Warland Singers ; Dale Warland, conductor) -- By and by (Kantorei ; Richard Larson, conductor) -- Remember the ladies (2011-2012 Minnesota Music Educators Association all-State Women's Choir ; Sandra Snow, conductor ; Christine Starr, piano) -- Dance of Zálongo (Dale Warland Singers ; Dale Warland, conductor ; Jay Johnson, percussion ; Doleen Hughes-Zdunek, piano).
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