Lo! the full, final sacrifice (2:40) -- Die natalis, op. 8. V, The salutation (4:17) -- Who is Silvia? (1:43) -- Love's labour's lost: Three soliloquies. Soliloquy I: So sweet a kiss the golden sun gives not ; Soliloquy II: Did not the heavenly rhetoric of thine eye ; Soliloquy III: On a day, alack the day (4:33) -- Clear and gentle stream (4:31) -- Rollicum-rorum (1:43) -- Introit (8:35) -- Come away, come away, death (3:43) -- Prelude, op. 25 (4:30) -- Romance, op. 11 (7:35) -- To Lizbie Brown (4:07) -- Dies natalis, op. 8. I, Intrada (5:26) -- Fear no more the heat o' the sun (5:36) -- A Severn rhapsody (6:36) -- Eclogue, op. 10 (11:05) -- 5 bagatelles op. 23. Carol ; No. 4 Forlana (5:06).
Finzi, Gerald, 1901-1956, composer.
Introit : the music of Gerald Finzi.
[London, England] : Decca, [2016]
Type of content
performed music
Type of medium
Type of carrier
online resource
Digital file characteristics
audio file
Amy Dickson, soprano and alto saxophone; Thomas Gould, violin; Tom Poster, pianno; Nicolas Fleury, horn; Aurora Orchestra; Nicholas Collon, conductor.
Recorded 2015 July 14 and August 20-21 Fairfield Halls, Croydon.