Resurrexi et adhuc tecum sum / Conrad Rein (2:55) -- Missa virtute magna. Kyrie (3:49) ; Gloria (6:44) / Jacobus Clemens non Papa -- Lutheran service, sung Liturgy ; Collect, Epistle reading (1:46) -- Haec dies quam fecit Dominus - Confitemini Domino / Conrad Rein (4:57) -- Alleluia ; Alleluia ; Pascha nostrum / Conrad Rein (3:15) -- Victimae paschali laudes / Johannes Galliculus (4:53) -- Lutheran service, sung Liturgy ; reading from the Gospel (2:17) -- Missa virtute magna. Credo / Jacobus Clemens non Papa (8:32) -- Christ lå i dødsens bånde (1:29) -- Lutheran service, sung Liturgy ; Preface (1:56) -- Missa virtute magna. Sanctus ; Benedictus / Jacobus Clemens non Papa (6:10) -- Lutheran service, sung Liturgy ; Collect, Lord's prayer, words of institution (4:23) -- Missa virtute magna. Sanctus ; Benedictus / Jacobus Clemens non Papa (4:26) -- Lutheran service, sung Liturgy: Postcommunion, blessing (1:03) -- Forlae oss med fred nådelig (1:10).
Reconstruction of a Lutheran service in Ribe Cathedral, 1560.
Language (note)
Sung in Danish and Latin.
Thomissøn's Easter : reconstruction of a Lutheran service in Ribe Cathedral, 1560.