Intrada -- Sonata a 7 -- Sonata a 5 -- Serenada -- Sonata a 6 -- Offertur ad 2 choros -- Sonata a sette -- Sonata paschalis -- Sonata Natalis in C Major -- Sonata sancti Spiritus -- Balletti a 5 -- Balletti a 5 -- Sonata venatoria -- Sonata a 6 * -- Sonata a 5, IV. 224 -- Sonata laetitiae -- Sonata a 4 in G Minor -- Serenada II.
Vejvanovský, Pavel Josef, approximately 1639-1693, composer.
Festive Baroque music for trumpets and strings / Pavel Josef Vejvanovsky.
[Place of publication not identified] : Pan Classics, [2020?]