Eesti Muusika - ja teatriakadeemia 100 : Eesti Muusika - ja teatriakadeemia lugu 350 pildiga
- Title
- Eesti Muusika - ja teatriakadeemia 100 : Eesti Muusika - ja teatriakadeemia lugu 350 pildiga / Aleksandra Dolgopolova, Aare Tool, Piret Kruuspere.
- Published by
- Tallinn : Eesti Muusika- ja Teatriakadeemia, 2019.
- Author
- Dolgopolova, Aleksandra
- Additional authors
- Tool, Aare
- Kruuspere, Piret
- Description
- 172 pages : color illustrations; 3132 cm
- Subject
- The performing arts. Show business
- Special subjects, characters, persons, religious arts, etc
- Music
- Literature on music
- Cultural History
- Collections of musical sources
- Note
- vinyl disc/record included
- Language (note)
- In Estonian.
- Author
- Dolgopolova, Aleksandra, author.
- Title
- Eesti Muusika - ja teatriakadeemia 100 : Eesti Muusika - ja teatriakadeemia lugu 350 pildiga / Aleksandra Dolgopolova, Aare Tool, Piret Kruuspere.
- Publisher
- Tallinn : Eesti Muusika- ja Teatriakadeemia, 2019.
- Type of content
- text
- Type of medium
- unmediated
- Type of carrier
- volume
- Language
- In Estonian.
- Indexed term
- Collections of musical sources.
- Cultural History.
- Literature on music.
- Music.
- Special subjects, characters, persons, religious arts, etc.
- The performing arts. Show business.
- Added author
- Tool, Aare, author.
- Kruuspere, Piret, author.
- 9789949738007 : USD104.00
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