Verbum Patris hodie / anonymous -- Prologue ; Des oge mais quer' eu trobar ; De muitas guisas los presos sólta a mui grorïos ; Quen a Déus e a sa Madre escarnno fazer quisér / Alfonso X (El Sabio) -- Stella splendens / anonymous -- A Virgen Santa María todos a loar devemos ; Toda cousa que aa Virgen seja prometuda ; Virgen madre groriosa ; Interlude ; Gran dereit' é de seer séu miragre mui fremoso ; Santa María amar ; Porque ben Santa Maria / Alfonso X (El Sabio) -- Laudemus Virginem/Splendens ceptrigera / anonymous -- Como póden per sas culpas ; Rósa das rósas, fror das frores / Alfonso X (El Sabio).
Las cantigas de Santa Maria : songs and instrumental music from the court of Alfonso X.
Cheadle : Vanguard Classics, [2022]
Copyright date
Playing time
Type of content
performed music
Type of medium
Type of carrier
online resource
Digital file characteristics
audio file
Historical anthology of music. I, Middle Ages. E, Music of Spain. 2, Vocal and instrumental music
Historical anthology of music. I, Middle Ages. E, Music of Spain. 2, Vocal and instrumental music.
Nicholas Kepros, speaker ; Constantine Cassolas, tenor ; Jan DeGaetani, mezzo-soprano ; Waverly Consort ; Michael Jaffee, conductor.
Recorded 1972 Vanguard's 23rd Street Studio, New York City.