pt. I. African cultures and their African media -- A new grammar of dialogue : the media and the cultural restyling of political representation in Kenya / George Ogola -- The role of newspapers in Nigeria's democratization, 1960-2007 / Ryan Groves -- Metaphors of modernity : the urban woman in Onitsha market literature / Ainehi Ejieme Edoro -- "Imported from America" or fugitive forgeries? Drum magazine and Black popular culture in 1950s apartheid South Africa / Colette Guldimann -- pt. II. Music, politics, poetry and African cultures -- From aesthetic creativity to political produndity : popular music and politics in Kenya and Argentina / Shadrack W. Nasong'o and Amy E. Risley -- Chisels that cause blisters in the eardrums of society : South African spoken word poetry / Francis Lukhele -- Aghanii al-Banaat : lyrics of exposure and negotiating social/gender relations, femininity, and body images / Saadia I. Malik -- Alive and well in the Caribbean : reflections of African language and culture in Puerto Rico / Ann Albuyeh -- pt. III. Fiction, crisis and African cultures -- Rene Maran's Batouala and Africa : the limits of the alliance / Naminata Diabate -- The narrative weave of community in the Tisseroman / Gretchen Kellough -- Reading in apartheid South Africa / Patricia G. Clark -- Working to erase misconceptions : the ne literature of AIDS in Africa / Jessica Achberger.