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Plans for the Land Management System (LMS) initiative [microform] / William D. Goran ... [et al.].
[Champaign, IL] : US Army Corps of Engineers, Engineer Research and Development Center ; [Springfield, VA : National Technical Information Service, distributor, 1999]
1 resource
Navigation conditions in lower lock approach of Ice Harbor Lock and Dam, Snake River, Washington [microform] / by Howard Park, Dwayne Fuller ; prepared for U.S. Army Engineer District, Walla Walla.
[Vicksburg, Miss. : US Army Corps of Engineers, Engineer Research and Development Center, Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory, 2002]
1 resource
Available online changes in Pontchartrain Basin Estuary, Louisiana, resulting from Mississippi River-Gulf outlet partial closure plans with width reduction [microform] / by J.N. Tate ... [et al.] ; prepared for U.S. Army Engineer District, New Orleans.
[Vicksburg, Miss. : US Army Corps of Engineers, Engineer Research and Development Center, Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory, 2002]
1 resource
Available online inspections of Kahului and Laupahoehoe breakwaters, Hawaii [microform] : armor unit monitoring for period 1992/93-2001 / by Robert R. Bottin, Jr., Daniel T. Meyers ; prepared for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
[Vicksburg, Miss. : US Army Corps of Engineers, Engineer Research and Development Center, Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory, 2002]
1 resource
Available online (Burma) water and hydrology : a bibliography / by R. Lee Hadden.
Web Resource
Alexandria, Va. : Topographic Engineering Center, Engineering Research and Development Center, [2008]
1 resource
Available online regional supplement to the Corps of Engineers wetland delineation manual, western mountains, valleys, and coast region : final report / U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
Web Resource
Vicksburg, MS : US Army Corps of Engineers, Engineer Research and Development Center, Environmental Laboratory, [2008]
1 resource
Available online regional supplement to the Corps of Engineers wetland delineation manual, Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain region : final report / U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
Web Resource
Vicksburg, MS : US Army Corps of Engineers, Engineer Research and Development Center, Environmental Laboratory, [2008]
1 resource
Available online connectivity of floodplain waterbodies to the lower Mississippi River / by Amanda J. M. Oliver [and three others].
Web Resource
[Vicksburg, Miss.?] : US Army Corps of Engineers, Mississippi River Geomorphology & Potamology Program, October 2016.
1 resource
Available online
0Mississippi River Adaptive Hydraulics model development and evaluation : Commerce to New Madrid, Missouri, Reach / Roger A. Gaines, Stephen C. Sanborn, William H. McAnally, and Christopher M. Wallen ; prepared for USACE Mississippi Valley Division.
Web Resource
Vicksburg, MS : US Army Corps of Engineers, Mississippi Division, 2021.
1 resource
Available online
0Seamless Digital Elevation Model (DEM) creation for the Mississippi River in Louisiana to support hydrologic modeling / by David Arnold.
Web Resource
[Vicksburg, MS] : US Army Corps of Engineers, Mississippi Valley Division, Engineer Research and Development Center, 2020.
1 resource
Available online
0Geomorphic assessment of Pass a Loutre and South Pass, Mississippi River Delta : a report for Louisiana Coastal Area Science & Technology Office, Mississippi Valley Division / Charles D. Little, Jr. ; prepared for Louisiana Coastal Area Science & Technology Office, USACE Mississippi Valley Division.
Web Resource
Vicksburg, MS : U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Mississippi Valley Division, Engineer Research and Development Center, 2014.
1 resource
Available online
0Big river benthos : linking year-round biological response to altered hydrological regimes / by Audrey B. Harrison [and three others] ; prepared for the Mississippi River Commission.
Web Resource
[Vicksburg, Miss.] : U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Mississippi Valley Division, Engineer Research and Development Center, 2017.
1 resource
Available online
0Investigation of discharge measurements of the Lower Mississippi River below Natchez, MS / by James Lewis, Gary Brown, and Steven Ayres ; prepared for the Mississippi River Commission.
Web Resource
[Vicksburg, Miss.] : U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Mississippi Valley Division, Engineer Research and Development Center, 2017.
1 resource
Available online
0Bed material sizes, variability, and trends in the Lower Mississippi River and their significance to calculated bed material loads / Colin R. Thorne [and five others] ; prepared for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Mississippi Valley Division, Mississippi River Geomorphology and Potamology Program.
Web Resource
Vicksburg, MS : U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Mississippi Valley Division, Mississippi River Geomorphology & Potamology Program, 2017.
1 resource
Available online
0The influence of geology on the morphologic response of the Lower Mississippi River / David S. Biedenharn, Charles D. Little, Jr., Joseph B. Dunbar, and Roger A. Gaines ; prepared for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Mississippi Valley Division, Mississippi River Geomorphology and Potamology Program.
Web Resource
Vicksburg, MS : U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Mississippi Valley Division, Mississippi River Geomorphology & Potamology Program, 2018.
1 resource
Available online
0Attributes of the Lower Mississippi River batture / D.S. Biedenharn [and four others] ; prepared for the Mississippi River Commission.
Web Resource
[Vicksburg, Miss.] : U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Mississippi Valley Division, Engineer Research and Development Center, 2018.
1 resource
Available online
02016 Old River Control Complex sedimentation data : supplement to Old River Control Complex sedimentation investigation (MRG & P Report No. 6) / by Keaton E. Jones [and three others] ; prepared for the Mississippi River Commission.
Web Resource
[Vicksburg, MS] : US Army Corps of Engineers, Mississippi Valley Division [and] Engineer Research and Development Center, 2018.
1 resource
Available online
0Bed-load and water surface measurements during the 2011 Mississippi River Flood at Vicksburg, Mississippi / Keaton E. Jones, David D. Abraham, and Tate O. McAlpin ; prepared for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Mississippi Valley Division, Mississippi River Geomorphology & Potamology Program.
Web Resource
Vicksburg, MS : U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Mississippi Valley Division, Mississippi River Geomorphology & Potamology Program, 2018.
1 resource
Available online
0Morganza Floodway : soft opening scenarios / by Nathan D. Clifton [and three others] ; prepared for the Mississippi River Commission.
Web Resource
[Vicksburg, MS] : U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Mississippi Valley Division, Engineer Research and Development Center, 2018.
1 resource
Available online
0Mississippi River : Natchez to Baton Rouge hydraulic and sediment transport model / James R. Leech, David P. May, Tate O. McAlpin ; prepared for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Mississippi Valley Division, Mississippi River Geomorphology & Potamology Program.
Web Resource
Vicksburg, MS : U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Mississippi Valley Division, Mississippi River Geomorphology & Potamology Program, 2018.
1 resource
Available online
0Two-dimensional hydraulics and sediment transport modeling of the Racetrack Reach of the Mississippi River, 1965-1969 / James R. Leech, David P. May, Tate O. McAlpin, and Barbara Kleiss ; prepared for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Mississippi Valley Division, Mississippi River Geomorphology & Potamology Program.
Web Resource
Vicksburg, MS : U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Mississippi Valley Division, Mississippi River Geomorphology & Potamology Program, 2018.
1 resource
Available online
0Analysis of the 2011 Mississippi River flood from Natchez, MS, to Baton Rouge, LA, using a three-dimensional sediment model : model development and calibration / Steven K. Ayres ; prepared for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Mississippi Valley Division, Mississippi River Geomorphology & Potamology Program.
Web Resource
Vicksburg, MS : U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Mississippi Valley Division, Mississippi River Geomorphology & Potamology Program, 2018.
1 resource
Available online
0Morganza Control Structure forebay : numerical hydraulic model investigation / Ronald E. Heath [and four others] ; prepared for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Mississippi Valley Division, Mississippi River Geomorphology & Potomology Program.
Web Resource
Vicksburg, MS : U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory, 2018.
1 resource
Available online
0Mississippi river bedform roughness and streamflow conditions near Vicksburg, Mississippi : data collection summary and analysis / Michael T. Ramirez, S. Jarrell Smith, James W. Lewis, and Thad C. Pratt ; prepared for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Mississippi Valley Division, Mississippi River Geomorphology & Potamology Program.
Web Resource
Vicksburg, MS : U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory, 2018.
1 resource
Available online
0Hydrodynamics in the Morganza Floodway and Atchafalaya Basin. Report 2. Phase 2 : a report for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, MRG & P / Gary L. Bell, David D. Abraham, and Nathan D. Clifton ; prepared for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Mississippi Valley Division, Mississippi River Geomorphology and Potamology Program.
Web Resource
Vicksburg, MS : U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory, 2018.
1 resource
Available online
0HEC-RAS unsteady flow and sediment model of the Mississippi River : Tarbert Landing to the Gulf / Travis A. Dahl [and three others] ; prepared for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Mississippi Valley Division, Mississippi River Geomorphology and Potamology Program.
Web Resource
Vicksburg, MS : U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory, 2018.
1 resource
Available online
0Executive summary Mississippi River and Tributaries flowline assessment / Jonathan A. Ashley and James W. Lewis.
Web Resource
[Vicksburg, Miss.] : U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Mississippi Valley Division, Engineer Research and Development Center, 2018.
1 resource
Available online