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Archaeological survey of the Clear Lakes Project on the Snake River, south central Idaho, 1981 / by Caroline D. Carley and Robert Lee Sappington ; appendix by Madeline Buckendorf.


Moscow [Idaho] : Laboratory of Anthropology, University of Idaho, 1982.


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Archaeological reconnaissance of the shoreline of Lower Granite Dam Reservoir, Washington and Idaho / by Karl Gurcke with Robert Lee Sappington, Diana Rigg, and Ruthann Knudson.


Moscow, Idaho : Laboratory of Anthropology, University of Idaho, 1979.


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Archaeological investigation of the proposed Kelly Creek gravel source, Clearwater National Forest, Idaho / by Ruthann Knudson and Robert Lee Sappington.


Moscow, Idaho : Laboratory of Anthropology, University of Idaho, 1977.


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FormatTextCall numberL.SOC.120.Id.5.2.1 (40) v.40-41 (1977)Item locationOff-site

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