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Self-contained self-rescuer donning proficiency at eight eastern underground coal mines / by Charles Vaught, William J. Wiehagen, and Michael J. Brnich, Jr.
Washington, D.C. (2401 E St., N.W., MS #9800, Washington 20241) : U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Mines, 1991.
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Application of stereoscopic (3-D) slides to roof and rib hazard recognition training / by Edward A. Barrett, William J. Wiehagen, and Robert H. Peters.
Pittsburgh, PA : U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Mines, 1988.
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Transfer of self-contained self-rescuer donning skills under similar conditions of practice [microform] : the Draeger OXY-SR60B and the CSE SR-100 / by M.J. Brnich, C. Vaught, and W.J. Wiehagen.
Washington, D.C. (810 7th St., NW, MS #9800, Washington 20241-0001) : U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Mines, [1992]
0 resources