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Displaying 35 of 35 results for author "Kunstmuseum Winterthur."
Paul Klee und seine Malerfreunde; die Sammlung Felix Klee.
Winterthur, [1971?]
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatText | Call number3-MCZ K63.W7 | Item locationSASB - Art & Architecture Rm 300 |
Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - SASB to submit a request in person.
Benito Steiner, Italo Valenti, Teruko Yokoi. [Ausstellg.] 12. Okt.-16 Nov. 1969. [Katalog.]
Winterthur (1969)
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatText | Call number3-MAL 72-1099 | Item locationSASB - Art & Architecture Rm 300 |
Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - SASB to submit a request in person.
Kubismus, Futurismus, Orphismus in der Schweizer Malerei. (Ausstellung,) Kunstmuseum Winterthur, 18. Jan.-8. März 1970. [Katalog.]
Winterthur, 1970.
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatText | Call number3-MCY 72-1140 | Item locationSchwarzman Building - Art and Architecture Room 300 |
Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.
Fünf Mailänder Künstler; Fabris, Francese, Milani, Minguzzi, Morlotti. [Ausstellung im] Kunstmuseum Winterthur, 17, Januar bis 21. Februar 1965.
[Winterthur, 1965]
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatText | Call number3-MAMC 72-1136 | Item locationSchwarzman Building - Art and Architecture Room 300 |
Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.
Edwin Scharff; Ausstellung im Kunstmuseum Winterthur, 19. Januar bis 23. Februar 1964.
[Winterthur, 1964]
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatText | Call number3-MGO (Scharff) 75-1851 | Item locationSASB - Art & Architecture Rm 300 |
Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - SASB to submit a request in person.
Der Blaue Reiter und sein Kreis; Ausstellung im Kunstmuseum Winterthur, 23. April bis 11. Juni 1961.
[Winterthur, 1961]
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatText | Call number3-MCI 76-1325 | Item locationSchwarzman Building - Art and Architecture Room 300 |
Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.
Kasimir Malewitsch, 1878-1935; Ausstellung im Kunstmuseum Winterthur, 13. April bis 27. Mai 1962.
[Winterthur, 1962]
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatText | Call number3-MCZ M248 76-1806 | Item locationSASB - Art & Architecture Rm 300 |
Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - SASB to submit a request in person.
Sammlung der Gemälde und Plastiken des Kunstvereins : Katalog / Kunstmuseum Winterthur ; [Red., Georges Descoeudres, Rudolf Koella].
Winterthur : Das Kunstmuseum, c1976.
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatText | Call number3-MAVZ (Winterthur) 78-1058 | Item locationSchwarzman Building - Art and Architecture Room 300 |
Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.
Neve Sachlichkeit und Surrealismus in der Schweiz, 1915-1940 : [Ausstellung] : Kunstmuseum Winterthur, 17. September bis 11. November 1979.
Winterthur : Das Museum, 1979.
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatText | Call numberMAM 80-2380 | Item locationOffsite |
Zoltan Kemeny : die Werke im Kunstmuseum Winterthur / Dieter Schwarz.
Winterthur : Kunstmuseum Winterthur, c1993.
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatText | Call number3-MCZ K321 96-15133 | Item locationSASB - Art & Architecture Rm 300 |
Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - SASB to submit a request in person.
Théodore Géricault, 1791-1824; Ausstellung im Kunstmuseum Winterthur, 30 Aug. bis 8. Nov. 1953.
[Winterthur, 1953]
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatText | Call numberMCO G36.W7 (Winterthur, Switzerland. Kunstmuseum. Théodore Géricault) | Item locationSASB - Art & Architecture Rm 300 |
Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - SASB to submit a request in person.
Katalog der Gëmalde und Bildwerke im Museum [microform]
[Winterthur] 1926.
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatText | Call number*ZM 3-MAR p.v. 583-589 | Item locationSchwarzman Building - Art & Architecture Room 300 |
Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.
Von Edgar Degas bis Gerhard Richter : Arbeiten auf Papier aus der Sammlung des Kunstmuseums Winterthur / herausgegeben von Dieter Schwarz.
Winterthur : Das Museum ; Düsseldorf : Richter, c2000.
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatText | Call numberMAVZ+ (Winterthur) 01-3880 | Item locationSchwarzman Building - Art and Architecture Room 300 |
Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.
Lehmbruck, Brancusi, Léger, Bonnard, Klee, Fontana, Morandi : Texte zu Werken im Kunstmuseum Winterthur / Dietrich Schubert ... [et al.] ; herausgegeben von Dieter Schwarz ; [Übersetzungen, Hubertus von Gemmingen].
Winterthur : Das Kunstmuseum ; Düsseldorf : Richter, c1997.
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatText | Call numberMAVZ (Winterthur) 01-2548 | Item locationSchwarzman Building - Art and Architecture Room 300 |
Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.
Katalog der Gemälde und Bildwerke im Museum [microform]
Winterthur : Das Museum, 1932.
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatText | Call number*ZM 3-MAR p.v. 583-589 | Item locationSchwarzman Building - Art & Architecture Room 300 |
Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.
[Catalogs of exhibitions.
Winterthur, 1954-
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatText | Call number3-MAW (Winterthur) (Winterthur, Switzerland. Kunstmuseum. [Catalogs of exhibitions) v. 1 (1954-58) | Item locationSchwarzman Building - Art and Architecture Room 300 |
Not available - - In use until 2024-05-01 - Please for assistance.
6 items
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatText | Call numberMAAD (Kunstverein, Winterthur, Switzerland. Jahresbericht) v. 62 - 64 (1982 - 84) | Item locationSchwarzman Building - Art and Architecture Room 300 |
Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatText | Call numberMAAD (Kunstverein, Winterthur, Switzerland. Jahresbericht) v. 53 - 61 (1973 - 81) | Item locationSchwarzman Building - Art and Architecture Room 300 |
Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatText | Call numberMAAD (Kunstverein, Winterthur, Switzerland. Jahresbericht) v. 40 - 49 (1960 - 69) | Item locationSchwarzman Building - Art and Architecture Room 300 |
Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.
Katalog der Gemälde und Skulpturen / herausgegeben von Dieter Schwarz.
Winterthur : Kunstmuseum ; Düsseldorf : Richter, 2005-©2017.
5 items
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatText | Call numberJQN 06-4 v. 5 | Item locationOffsite |
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatText | Call numberJQN 06-4 v. 4 | Item locationOffsite |
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatText | Call numberJQN 06-4 v. 3 | Item locationOffsite |
Das gloriose Jahrzehnt : französische Kunst, 1910-1920, aus Winterthurer Besitz : Kunstmuseum Winterthur, 22. Januar bis 1 April 1991 : 75 Jahre Kunstmuseum Winterthur / [Ausstellung und Katalog: Rudolf Koella].
Winterthur : Das Kunstmuseum, 1991.
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatText | Call numberN6847 K967 | Item locationOff-site |
Kunstmuseum Winterthur : Kunst der Moderne aus der Sammlung des Kunstvereins / herausgegeben von Rudolf Koella und Dieter Schwarz.
Frankfurt am Main : Insel, 1991.
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatText | Call numberN1040 Sw6W7K9 K956 | Item locationOff-site |
Kunstmuseum Winterthur : das Museumsgebäude 1915 von Rittmeyer & Furrer : der Erweiterungsbau 1995 von Gigon & Guyer.
[Zurich] : Winterthur, 1995.
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
Format | Call numberAA6701 W73 K96 | Item locationOff-site |
Katalog der Gemälde und Bildwerke im Museum.
[Winterthur], 1922.
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
Format | Call numberN1040 Sw6W7K9 K96 | Item locationOff-site |
Sammlung der Gemälde und Plastiken des Kunstvereins : Katalog / Kunstmuseum Winterthur ; [Red., Georges Descoeudres, Rudolf Koella].
Winterthur : Das Kunstmuseum, [1976], ©1976.
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
Format | Call numberN1040 Sw6W7K9 W73 | Item locationOff-site |
Kunstmuseum Winterthur : Kunst der Moderne aus der Sammlung des Kunstvereins / herausgegeben von Rudolf Koella und Dieter Schwarz.
Frankfurt am Main : Insel, 1991.
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
Format | Call number | Item locationOff-site |
Walter Linck, Robert Wehrlin : Ausstellung, im Kunstmuseum Winterthur, 14. Oktober bis 18. November, 1956.
[Winterthur : Kunstverein, 1956.]
2 items
Format | Call number | Item location |
Format | Call number67 W78w | Item locationOff-site |
Format | Call number | Item location |
Format | Call number67 W78w | Item locationOff-site |
Il futurismo; Austellung im Kunstmuseum Winterthur, 4. Oktober bis 15. November 1959. [Text von Carola Giedion-Welcker.
Winterthur, 1959]
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
Format | Call numberFA438.30.20 | Item locationOff-site |
Ungegenständliche Malerei in der Schweiz. Ausstellung im Kunstmuseum Winterthur, 18. Jan. bis 9. März 1958.
[Winterthur, 1958]
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
Format | Call number3993 K96 | Item locationOff-site |
Théodore Géricault, 1791-1824; Ausstellung im Kunstmuseum Winterthur, 30 Aug. bis 8. Nov. 1953.
[Winterthur, 1953]
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
Format | Call numberFA3941.11.76 | Item locationOff-site |
Heinrich Bruppacher, Robert Lienhard, Hans Ulrich Saas [Ausstellung] Kunstmuseum Winterthur 22. März bis 10. Mai 1970.
[Winterthur, 1970]
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
Format | Call numberFA4000.240 | Item locationOff-site |
Otto Bänninger, Rudolf Zender, Ausstellung im Kunstmuseum Winterthur, 6. Oktober bis 17. November 1957.
[Winterthur, 1957]
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
Format | Call numberFA5237.287 | Item locationOff-site |
Zoltan Kemeny : die Werke im Kunstmuseum Winterthur / Dieter Schwarz.
Winterthur : Kunstmuseum Winterthur, c1993.
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatText | Call numberFA5325.578.45 | Item locationOff-site |
Lehmbruck, Brancusi, Léger, Bonnard, Klee, Fontana, Morandi : Texte zu Werken im Kunstmuseum Winterthur / Dietrich Schubert ... [et al.] ; herausgegeben von Dieter Schwarz ; [Übersetzungen, Hubertus von Gemmingen].
Winterthur : Das Kunstmuseum ; Düsseldorf : Richter, c1997.
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
Format | Call number | Item locationOff-site |
Richard Artschwager : Zeichnungen, 1960-2002 / mit Beiträgen von Dieter Schwarz, Michael Semff = Richard Artschwager : drawings, 1960-2002 / with essays by Dieter Schwarz, Michael Semff ; [translations from the German by Fiona Elliott and John Williams]
[Winterthur] : Kunstmuseum Winterthur ; Düsseldorf : Richter, c2003.
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
Format | Call number | Item locationOff-site |
Winterthurer Privatbesitz II. Werke des 20. Jahrhunderts. Ausstellung 28. August bis 20. November 1949.
Winterthur, 1949.
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
Format | Call numberN5279.W7 W51 | Item locationOff-site |
Sammlung der Gemälde und Plastiken des Kunstvereins : Katalog / Kunstmuseum Winterthur ; [Redaction, Georges Descoeudres, Rudolf Koella].
Winterthur : Kunstmuseum, [1976]
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatText | Call numberN3610.W5 K85 | Item locationOff-site |