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Kolxoz̥cylara verilän ghuzḁ̈stilär [microform].
Baqï : Azärnḁ̈sr, 1930.
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FormatText | Call number*ZO-225 no. 1-32 | Item locationOffsite |
Kredit şirqătlări vă ăqin kampanijasï [microform] / Ă. Xanbydagov.
Baqï : Azărnăşr, 1930.
1 item
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FormatText | Call number*ZO-246 no. 1-28 | Item locationOffsite |
Agricultural credit bibliography = Bibliographie du crédit agricole.
Rome : Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 1978-
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatText | Call numberJBM 92-285 no. 1-4 (1978-1985) | Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315 |
Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.
Bombay, Reserve Bank of India [1969]
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatText | Call numberJFE 71-63 | Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315 |
Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.
I finanziamenti bancari alle aziende agricole.
Milano, Giuffrè, 1965.
1 item
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FormatText | Call numberJLE 71-16 | Item locationOffsite |
Management in agricultural finance, by S. C. Jain.
Bombay, Vora [1970]
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FormatText | Call numberJLD 72-706 | Item locationOffsite |
Debt repayment capacity of the Chilean agrarian reform beneficiaries, by Richard L. Meyer.
[n. p.] 1970.
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FormatText | Call numberJLF 72-128 | Item locationOffsite |
Agricultural credit and Rural Electrification Administration review. Hearings before the Subcommittee on Conservation and Credit. February 5 and 18, 1959.
Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1959.
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FormatText | Call numberJLE 72-173 | Item locationOffsite |
To improve operations of Federal intermediate credit banks. Hearing, Eighty-ninth Congress, first session, on H. R. 4152. February 17, 1965.
Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1965.
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FormatText | Call numberJLE 72-142 | Item locationOffsite |
Simplification, consolidation, and improvement of Farmers Home Administration facilities. Hearings on H. R. 7628 (S. 2144) February 23 and 24, 1960.
Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1960.
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FormatText | Call numberJLE 72-125 | Item locationOffsite |
Amend Federal farm loan act. Hearing before the Subcommittee on Conservation and Credit on H. R. 5740, H. R. 5929, and H. R. 5979. April 8, 1959.
Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1959.
1 item
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FormatText | Call numberJLE 72-159 | Item locationOffsite |
Medjunarodno kretanje kapitala u poljoprivredi i iskustva i mogućnosti Jugoslavije.
Beograd, Institut za spoljnu trgovinu, 1969.
1 item
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FormatText | Call number*QKK 72-340 | Item locationOffsite |
Insured farm loans. Hearing, Eighty-ninth Congress, first session. May 6, 1965.
Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1965.
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FormatText | Call numberJLE 72-631 | Item locationOffsite |
Deferment of principal and interest payments on emergency loans. Hearing, Eighty-ninth Congress, first session. May 5, 1965.
Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1965.
1 item
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FormatText | Call numberJLE 72-629 | Item locationOffsite |
Farmers Home Administration loans on leased lands. Hearing, Eighty-ninth Congress, first session. May 6, 1965.
Washington, U. S. Govt. Print Off., 1965.
1 item
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FormatText | Call numberJLE 72-631 | Item locationOffsite |
Federal intermediate credit banks. Hearings, Eighty-ninth Congress, first session. May 5 and 21, 1965.
Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1965.
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FormatText | Call numberJLE 72-619 | Item locationOffsite |
Financie polʼnohospodárskych podnikov v ČSSR. Autori: K. Vlachynský - V. Přibyl. 1. vyd.
Bratislava, Príroda, t. Polygraf. záv., Trnava, 1970.
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FormatText | Call number*QT 72-864 | Item locationOffsite |
Estudo do crédito rural.
[Rio de Janeiro] APEC Editôra [1971]
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FormatText | Call numberJLD 72-1762 | Item locationOffsite |
Proceedings of the Seminar on Fertiliser Credit and Distribution, organised by the Fertiliser Association of India at New Delhi, December 9-10, 1967. [Edited by S. S. Sirur and others]
New Delhi, Fertiliser Association of India [1968]
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FormatText | Call numberJLE 72-2444 | Item locationOffsite |
Bank credit to farmers for irrigation development; studies in micro-analysis of feasibility.
Bombay, 1969.
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FormatText | Call numberJLE 72-2627 | Item locationOffsite |
Financing of agriculture by commercial banks; report of a seminar held on December 6 to 8, 1968.
[Bombay] Reserve Bank of India [1969]
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FormatText | Call numberJLE 72-2585 | Item locationOffsite |
Il credito agrario. Gli insegnamenti dell'esperienza statunitense.
Milano, A. Guiffré, 1970.
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FormatText | Call numberJLF 72-1025|m(SASB) | Item locationOffsite |
An economic analysis of supervised credit for Mexican rubber producers in the El Palmar region of Mexico, by Ray V. Billingsley, Luis de Armero-Tapia [and] Donald S. Moore.
College Station, Dept. of Agricultural Economics and Sociology, Texas A&M University, International Programs Office [1968?]
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FormatText | Call numberJLF 73-448 | Item locationOffsite |
Charts providing a graphic summary.
3 items
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FormatText | Call numberM-10 2214 1973/74-1977/78 Inc. | Item locationOffsite |
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FormatText | Call numberM-10 2214 1965/66-1971/72 | Item locationOffsite |
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatText | Call numberM-10 2214 1955/56-1964/65 | Item locationOffsite |
Farm credit in Canada; working paper prepared for the Royal Commission on Banking & Finance, November 1962.
[Ottawa, 1962]
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FormatText | Call numberJLG 72-203 | Item locationOffsite |
Oppgjørs- og driftskredittordning for landbruket. Praktisk veiledning. Utg. av Sparebankforeningen i Norge, den Norske bankforening, [og] Landbrukets sentralforbund.
Oslo, 1967.
1 item
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatText | Call numberJLD 72-3596 (SASB) | Item locationSchwarzman Building - General Research Room 315 |
Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.
Farmers Home Administration loans. Hearing before a subcommittee of the Committee on Agriculture and Forestry, United States Senate, Eighty-sixth Congress, second session, on S. 2144, a bill to simplify, consolidate and improve the authority of the Secretary of Agriculture with respect to loans to farmers and ranchers, and for other purposes; and S. 2891, a bill to authorize the Secretary of Agriculture to make financial assistance available to persons holding leasehold interests in lands in the State of Hawaii, and for other purposes. May 10, 1960.
Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1960.
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FormatText | Call numberJLE 72-2472 | Item locationOffsite |
Farm Credit Administration. Hearings before a subcommittee of the Committee on Agriculture and Forestry, United States Senate, Eighty-sixth Congress, first session, on S. 1512, a bill to amend the Federal farm loan act to transfer responsibility for making appraisals from the Farm Credit Administration to the Federal land banks, and for other purposes, S. 1513, a bill to clarify the status of the Federal land banks, the Federal intermediate credit banks, and the banks for cooperatives and their officers and employees with respect to certain laws applicable generally to the United States and its officers and employees, and for other purposes. April 8 and 20, 1959.
Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1959.
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FormatText | Call numberJLE 72-2471 | Item locationOffsite |
Studies in agricultural credit.
Bombay, 1970.
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FormatText | Call numberJLE 73-239 | Item locationOffsite |
Credit systems for small-scale farmers; case histories from Mexico [by] Simon Williams [and] James A. Miller.
[Austin] Bureau of Business Research, University of Texas at Austin [1973]
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FormatText | Call numberJLD 73-2392 | Item locationOffsite |
Financing agriculture.
Bombay, Agricultural Finance Corporation.
1 item
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FormatText | Call numberJLM 73-480 v. 3 (Apr. 1971-Jan. 1972) | Item locationOffsite |
Federal farm credit and related statistics = Statistiques du crédit agricole fédéral.
[Ottawa], 1970-
2 items
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FormatText | Call numberJLM 73-924 1976-78 | Item locationOffsite |
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FormatText | Call numberJLM 73-924 1970-1975 | Item locationOffsite |
Selected statistics relating to co-operative credit in India.
3 items
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatText | Call numberJLK 73-272 Library has: 1966-67 to 1968-69, 1960-61 to 1970-71, 1960-61 to 1971-72. 1966/67-1968/69 | Item locationOffsite |
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatText | Call numberJLK 73-272 Library has: 1966-67 to 1968-69, 1960-61 to 1970-71, 1960-61 to 1971-72. 1960/61,1965/66 & 1968/69-1971/72 | Item locationOffsite |
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatText | Call numberJLK 73-272 Library has: 1966-67 to 1968-69, 1960-61 to 1970-71, 1960-61 to 1971-72. 1960/61,1965/66 & 1968/69-1970/71 | Item locationOffsite |
New Delhi.
8 items
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FormatText | Call numberJLK 73-56 Library has: 1966/67-1973/74 (incomplete). (1973-74) | Item locationOffsite |
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatText | Call numberJLK 73-56 Library has: 1966/67-1973/74 (incomplete). (1972-73) | Item locationOffsite |
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatText | Call numberJLK 73-56 Library has: 1966/67-1973/74 (incomplete). (1971-72) | Item locationOffsite |
Financing of agriculture by commercial banks; report of a seminar held on December 6 to 8, 1968. [Editorial committee: V. G. Pendharkar, V. M. Jakhade, and A. Raman.2d rev. ed.
Bombay] Reserve Bank of India; [copies can be had from Administrative Officer, Economic Dept., Reserve Bank of India, 1971]
1 item
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FormatText | Call numberJLF 74-136 DEC. (1968) | Item locationOffsite |
Les sociétés foncières rurales [par] G. B. Couturier.
Paris, Livre-clé [1971]
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FormatText | Call numberJLC 73-1187 | Item locationOffsite |
Agricultural finance in India: role of commercial banks. Edited by Charanjit Chanana.
New Delhi, Marketing and Economic Research Bureau [1969]
1 item
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FormatText | Call numberJLD 74-619 | Item locationOffsite |
Financial management in agriculture [by] John A. Hopkin, Peter J. Barry [and] C. B. Baker.
Danville, Ill., Interstate Printers & Publishers [1973]
1 item
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FormatText | Call numberJLE 74-1047 | Item locationOffsite |
Aspectos del crédito oficial en algunos sectores y países.
Madrid, Editora Nacional, 1971.
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FormatText | Call numberJLF 73-969 | Item locationOffsite |
Norges kreditforening for land- og skogbruk (landkreditforeningen) 1915-1965 [av Arne Solbraa og John Eid]
Oslo, Grøndahl & Søns boktr., 1965.
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FormatText | Call numberJLF 74-737 | Item locationOffsite |
Provide a flexible interest rate on loans to associations for water and waste disposal. Hearing, Ninety-first Congress, first session, on H.R. 5850. June 17, 1969.
Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1969.
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FormatText | Call numberJLE 74-1959 (HSSL) | Item locationOffsite |
Expedite retirement of Government capital from the farm credit agencies. Hearing, Ninetieth Congress, second session on H.R. 19418. September 18, 1968.
Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1968.
1 item
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FormatText | Call numberJLE 74-1959 (HSSL) | Item locationOffsite |
Improve capitalization of Federal intermediate credit banks and production credit associations. Hearing, Ninetieth Congress, second session, on H.R. 16674. April 29, 1968.
Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1968.
1 item
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FormatText | Call numberJLE 74-1952 (HSSL) | Item locationOffsite |
Emergency credit revolving fund. Hearing, Ninetieth Congress, second session ... April 30, 1968.
Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1968.
1 item
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FormatText | Call numberJLE 74-1959 (HSSL) | Item locationOffsite |
La Banque agricole & foncière d'Haïti.
Paris, A. Cotillon, 1882.
2 items
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FormatText | Call numberSc Rare 336.729-F (Fouchard, C. Haiti) | Item locationSchomburg Center - Manuscripts & Archives |
Available by appointment at Schomburg Center - Manuscripts & Archives
Format | Call number | Item location |
FormatText | Call numberSc 336.729-F (Fouchard. Haiti.) Bound with Fouchard, Calisthenes. Haiti. Paris, 1891 | Item locationSchomburg Center - Research & Reference |
Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schomburg Center to submit a request in person.
Farm credit profile and supervised credit in rural Pakistan, by Mahmood Ali Khan, Dilawar Ali Khan [and] Muhammad Hussain Bhatti. 1st ed.
Lyallpur, Dept. of Cooperation and Credit, Faculty of Agricultural Economics & Rural Sociology, University of Agriculture, 1973.
1 item
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FormatText | Call numberJLE 74-1824 | Item locationOffsite |
Report of the survey of rural credit and indebtedness, 1969.
[Colombo] 1971.
1 item
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FormatText | Call numberJLF 74-942 | Item locationOffsite |
Improve operations of the Farm Credit Administration. Hearing, Eighty-ninth Congress, second session, on S. 2822.
Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1966.
1 item
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FormatText | Call numberJLL 74-366 v. 1 | Item locationOffsite |
FHA insured operating loans. Hearing, Ninety-first Congress, first session, on S. 815 ... July 29, 1969.
Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1969.
1 item
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FormatText | Call numberJLE 74-2132 (HSSL) | Item locationOffsite |
Retirement of Government capital in certain farm credit institutions. Hearing, Ninetieth Congress, second session, on S. 3986 ... September 12, 1968.
Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1968.
1 item
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FormatText | Call numberJLE 74-2133 (HSSL) | Item locationOffsite |